NCAT Online Services Human rights assesment

Currently waiting for a response from NSW Department of Justice, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear NSW Department of Justice,

Was human rights assesment completed for the NCAT Online Services that was launched on November 2023 ?

Especially relating to Sex Discrimination Act ("SDA") and people who don't necessarily have identification documents and how it favors people with identification documents.

My preference would be to have informal response in order to save costs on both sides given this assesment should exist per existing policies around making regulation that affects the access to the justice.

Yours faithfully,


Dear NSW Department of Justice,

I have not received a confirmation that my informal request has been delivered under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act)

Could you please respond and let me know the response has been delivered. Thanks!

The public request can be found from here:

Yours faithfully,
