MAP@Work staff leave usage emails during COVID19
Dear FOI Officer
I request documents under the F.O.I. Act as described below :
- Any documents associated with the ATO decision to pause sending 'My availablity profile - MAP@Work' emails' (emails comparing individual's usage of leave to the ATO/APS average) to employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dear Australian Taxation Office,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Australian Taxation Office's handling of my FOI request 'MAP@Work staff leave usage emails during COVID19'.
Please conduct further searches to obtain documents subject to this request. Please contact the team that administers the MAP@Work emails and advise how the ATO decision to cease sending MAP@Work emails was communicated to that team. I suspect there ought to be some written records connected with the ATO decision to cease MAP@Work.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Please note: I further request under the Freedom of Information Act all documents connected with the handing of this request to date.
Yours faithfully,
Charlie Casual