Location of grave for relative in Mildura Cemetery

Sharon Lascelles made this Freedom of Information request to Mildura Cemetery Trust

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Sharon Lascelles

Dear Mildura Cemetery Trust,

I am trying to locate the grave site for my grand mother Mary Grace Turland. I believe the burial was in 1989

Yours faithfully,

Sharon Lascelles

Danielle Mazzini, Mildura Cemetery Trust

Good afternoon Sharon,

Apologies for the delay in responding to your email.

There is a Mary Grace Turland interred at the Nichols Point Cemetery Lawn 1 Plot FF047.

DOB is 26/02/1909
DOD is 01/02/1989.

If you have any queries or require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.


Danielle Mazzini
Cemeteries Operations Coordinator
T 03 5018 8202 M 0427227340
E [email address]

The Mildura Cemetery Trust | Mildura Rural City Council

PO Box 105, Mildura, Victoria 3502

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Sharon Lascelles

Dear Danielle Mazzini,

Exactly what i was after

Yours sincerely,

Sharon Lascelles