List of hidden usernames on Trove
Dear National Library of Australia,
Under FOI legislation could you provide a full listing of all Trove usernames which have been hidden from being visible to the general public on the Trove Text Correction Hall of Fame. Could you also provide the total number of text corrections each of these usernames has completed as at 31 December 2021.
An example of a hidden username is Museumofperth, however I am aware of a number of other examples in existence.
Any correspondence between the usernames' owner and Trove / NLA and any internal memos, emails, or other relevant communications outlining the bases of each decision is also requested.
Yours faithfully,
Dear National Library of Australia,
Could you please provide details of this request, or an update as to the current status please?
Yours faithfully,
Albert Frankaland
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Dear National Library of Australia,
Please provide an update to this request
Yours faithfully,
Dear Mr Frankaland
The National Library has not previously received or been aware of the request you refer to below. It is not clear from the email below what your request is. If you wish to make a request for documents under the FOI Act, please ensure you email [NLA request email] with the following information:
- state that the request is an application under the FOI Act
- provide such information concerning the document as is reasonably necessary to enable a responsible officer of the Library to identify it
Please note that your present email (timestamped Monday, 31 January 2022 9:57 PM) was in fact received by the NLA FOI inbox ([NLA request email]) on Thursday 3 February 2022 at 6:03am.
Kind regards
Dear FOI,
I have resubmitted under a separate heading. The original request was sent December 25, 2021
Yours sincerely,
Albert Frankaland
Dear Mr Frankaland
I confirm receipt of your request on Thursday 3 February 2022, and that the original request of 25 December 2021 you refer to was never received. Please note I have also formally acknowledged your request of 3 February 2022 for the purpose of the FOI Act.
Kind regards