Labour hire contracts throughout the APS
Dear Department of Finance,
I request a document that contains the total number of labour hire staff procured throughout the APS.
I also request a document that contains the total number of labour hire staff procured throughout the APS, that are fulfilling functionally equivalent roles to actual APS employees.
If either document does not exist please advise.
I additionally seek that a charge not be imposed for this FOI request;
The use of labour hire services in the public service is a matter that has been discussed by many outlets, in both the mainstream and independent media.
Further clarity on the use of labour hire employees throughout government departments, (both Commonwealth and State) is of interest to a substantial section of the public.
Information about the number of labour hire employees working APS-equivalent roles, is not currently available within the DHS annual reports. That is why this FOI request is necessary.
To substantiate this point, let me point out a number of recent articles written about public sector use of labour hire:
Sydney Morning Herald:
ABC News:
Michael West Media:
It is also a topic that has been of interest to the CPSU, a union that represents a substantial section of the public (namely, public servant union members)
In light of the above, please waive the fee associated with this request; on the ground that this is a public interest inquiry.
Yours faithfully,
John Smith
Thank you for your email to the Freedom of Information Team at the
Department of Finance.
An officer will respond to your email shortly. In the meantime, if you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI Team on (02)
6215 1783.
Kind regards,
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783 E: [1][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Visible links
1. mailto:[Finance request email]
Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.
Kind regards
FOI Coordinator
Dear Mr Smith
Freedom of Information Request – FOI 20/48
Thank you for your email to the Department of Finance (Finance) requesting
access to the following under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI
I request a document that contains the total number of labour hire staff
procured throughout the APS.
I also request a document that contains the total number of labour hire
staff procured throughout the APS, that are fulfilling functionally
equivalent roles to actual APS employees.
No documents in scope of your request
Finance has undertaken preliminary searches and the document sought in
your request does not exist. Finance does not hold a record of the number
of labour hire staff procured throughout the APS.
Way forward
Finance invites you to withdraw your request on the basis that the
document/s in scope of your request does not exist. If you would like
Finance to proceed to a formal ‘no documents’ decision, can you please
advise us by COB Friday, 7 August 2020, otherwise your request will be
considered withdrawn.
Please contact the FOI Team on the below contact details if you wish to
discuss your request.
Kind regards
FOI Officer
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783
E: [2][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Visible links
2. mailto:[Finance request email]
Dear FOI Requests,
I seek that the Dept of Finance produce the relevant document through s17(1) of the FOI act.
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.
Kind regards
FOI Coordinator
Good afternoon Mr Smith
Thank you for your email.
Further to our email today, Finance does not hold the information sought
under your FOI request.
Finance invites you to withdraw your request on the basis that the
document/s in scope of your request does not exist. If you would like
Finance to proceed to a formal ‘no documents’ decision which addresses
your initial request and your request for a document to be produced under
section 17 of the FOI Act, can you please advise us by COB Friday, 7
August 2020, otherwise your request will be considered withdrawn.
Please contact the FOI Team on the below contact details if you wish to
discuss your request.
Kind regards
FOI Officer
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783
E: [2][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Dear FOI Requests,
I maintain my request that the document be produced under s17 of the act.
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.
Kind regards
FOI Coordinator
Dear Mr Smith
Please see attached a decision in relation to your FOI request (our
reference FOI 20/48).
Kind regards
FOI Officer
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783
E: [2][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Visible links
2. mailto:[Finance request email]
Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.
Kind regards
FOI Coordinator