Is it Pollution?

Roger Nortd made this Freedom of Information request to Bureau of Meteorology

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Dear Bureau of Meteorology,
For a long time now, myself and a great number of the community is aware of the white lines that appear in the sky regularly. They can't be Condensation spray from airplanes,
because those lines do not disappear after a short while, like them "Conspray"
Are those so called lines "Chemspray" ? After they appear, they spreading out like ripples of clouds, and after about an hour or so, they got the whole sky covered. I made plenty of pictures of it, and if you watch closely, the appear even in the sky of news world wide!
Now, is it chemicals you are spraying, if so ,what chemicals, or is it to control the weather
like England done for the Olympics!
If you don't spray it, who does it please?

Yours faithfully,

Roger Nortd

Locutus Sum left an annotation ()

The Bureau of Metereorology might have a person who is interesting to answer the request but it is not a valid request under the Freedom of Information Act, so possibly it will just be rejected without an answer.

However, I think that the applicant has made an error in his assumptions. fx in the sentence 'They can't be Condensation spray from airplanes, because those lines do not disappear after a short while, like them "Conspray" ', the applicant implies that vapour trails from airplanes only remain for a specific distinctive length of time. But this is not so. If the atmospheric conditions local to the vapour trail are with low humidity, the vapour trail will disperse and disappear quickly because the water in the trail will move from an area of high partial pressure (of vapour) to low partial pressure. If the atmosphere is already saturated, and very cold then the vapor trail (it is actually a feather of ice-crystals) will remain for a long time a spread out. So, the premise appears to be incorrect.

A second piece of information I do not have. It is the answer to the question "Where does the applicant live." This is important because if he lives in a city that is a stopping point for most aircraft, then it is unlikely that he will see so many of these trails. This is because most aircraft will not be high enough to leave the kind of trail that one could expect in other events. I had a look at the map of air corridors in Australia and Melbourne, for example, is a stopping point and not a crossing point. However, I can see that Canberra is a crossing point for many corridors that do not actually stop in Canberra. So there will be many aircraft around Canberra but above 10,000 metres (because they are crossing) and conditions will be ideal for vapour trails. To know if the trail will persist and maybe to spread out, or to know if it will disperse quickly, you must know the local humidity and temperature conditions at the height where the airplane might be. It would not be enough to know fx the temperature and humidity in Canberra.

I will be very interested to read the reply from the Bureau of Meteorology. I hope that it is not only a reply about the law (because it will just be a rejection under s 15). I hope it is an informative reply, outside of the mechanics of the FOI Act, that is written by a knowledgeable meteorologist and not a knowledgeable lawyer!

FOI, Bureau of Meteorology

Dear Roger

Thank you for your email.

Before considering your email further, the Bureau is seeking clarification as to whether you are:
a) seeking a response from the Bureau of Meteorology in response to the specific questions you raise; or
b) are formally requesting access to documents (if any exist) held by the Bureau of Meteorology relating to the subject of your email.

On the face of it, your email appears to be the former, in which case, it should be referred to

If your intention is to formally request access to documents under the FOI Act, the Bureau will need more information from you to clarify the actual scope of the request before it can be processed further. In this regard, the Bureau's FOI area will be happy to assist you in framing your request properly.

Please let us know by return email ASAP.

Kind regards

FOI Officer

From: Roger Nortd <[FOI #3355 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 8 April 2017 1:39 PM
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Is it Pollution?

Dear Bureau of Meteorology,
For a long time now, myself and a great number of the community is aware of the white lines that appear in the sky regularly. They can't be Condensation spray from airplanes,
because those lines do not disappear after a short while, like them "Conspray"
Are those so called lines "Chemspray" ? After they appear, they spreading out like ripples of clouds, and after about an hour or so, they got the whole sky covered. I made plenty of pictures of it, and if you watch closely, the appear even in the sky of news world wide!
Now, is it chemicals you are spraying, if so ,what chemicals, or is it to control the weather
like England done for the Olympics!
If you don't spray it, who does it please?

Yours faithfully,

Roger Nortd


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