Inquiry about contact tracing app: QR-code vs Bluetooth beacon

Pau-Olivier Dehaye made this Right to Information request to Queensland Health

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Pau-Olivier Dehaye, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear Queensland Health,

First of all congratulations to you and your ministry on your stellar response to COVID.

I would like to know if you have any available statistics on either the number of notifications, number of tests and/or number of cases found that are attributable in your region to contact tracing apps, as well as a breakdown of each of those due to the QR-code or the Bluetooth channels.

I am particularly interested in comparing between the utility of each of those two channels in any way possible.

My motivation, living in Switzerland, is that we currently have an app deployed here that exclusively uses Bluetooth, and little traction for a QR-code based system. The theory says such a system would be much more effective than Bluetooth. Due to your low number of cases, I expect you might only have anecdotal evidence but this would still give tangible data to share here.

Thank you very much for your help,

Yours faithfully,

Pau-Olivier Dehaye

Pau-Olivier Dehaye

Dear Queensland Health,

I have not received a response to my request.

Yours faithfully,

Pau-Olivier Dehaye

RTI-Privacy, Queensland Health

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Dehaye,


Thank you for your enquiry via the Right to Know portal.  Please accept my
sincere apologies for the delay in acknowledging your email.


In order for an application to be processed under the Right to Information Act
2009 (the RTI Act), it must satisfy the following requirements:


o Be on the approved form.
o Be accompanied by the application fee.
o Give sufficient information concerning the document to enable an officer
of the agency to identify it.
o State whether or not the applicant is accessing the documents to benefit
another entity (the beneficiary) and, if they are, identify the
o Include evidence of ID, and if the applicant has an agent, include
evidence of the agent's ID and evidence of authority^3, only if the
application is for the applicant's personal information.
o State an address to which notices can be sent


The best way to submit an application under the RTI Act is via the Queensland
Government online portal, at [1]  This method will allow you
to pay the mandatory application fee via credit card when you submit the


I hope this information is of assistance.


Kind regards,


Privacy and Right to
Information Unit P [3]07 3082 0546 (x8546)  
[2]Queensland E [4][email address]
Government Risk, Assurance and W [5]
Information Management A [6]Level 6, 33 Charlotte St,
Branch Corporate Services Brisbane 4000
Division | Queensland Health







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3. file:///tmp/tel:07%203082%200599%20(x8599)
4. mailto:[email address]