Information regarding costs and expenses for Opera House sail light projection

The request was successful.

Dear Sydney Opera House,

Under the FOI Act, I am requesting information or documents that describe the following:

1) Current hourly and up-front costs internally incurred by Sydney Opera House for the purpose of digitally projecting onto the building's sails (whether motion graphic, image, or static colour projection).

2) Current hourly and up-front costs charged by Sydney Opera House for the purpose of digitally projecting onto the building's sails (whether motion graphic, image, or static colour projection).

3) Current hourly and up-front costs internally incurred by Sydney Opera House for the purpose of operating the flood lights located on the western side of the building (static colour flood specifically).

4) Current hourly and up-front costs charged by Sydney Opera House for the purpose of operating the flood lights located on the western side of the building (static colour flood specifically).

The cost and charge figures for the above should each include a breakdown - with subtotals (e.g. hourly/up-front labour, equipment, utilities, licensing, etc.).

Items 1 and 2 refer specifically to occasions where projection originates from the Overseas Passenger Building; not occasions where the third-party requesting organisation supplies their own equipment.

The information/documents should ideally be based on a recent standard sail illumination request/campaign. If this is not feasible, it may instead be based on estimates that would reflect a typical campaign.

Yours faithfully,
Daniel Wallace

Aline Cosson, Sydney Opera House

1 Attachment

Dear Daniel,


Thank you for your enquiry. We are gathering the information that you
requested and will get back to you as soon as we can.


Kind regards,




Aline Cosson

Right to Information Officer



Sydney Opera House

Bennelong Point

GPO Box 4274 Sydney NSW 2001


The Sydney Opera House honours our First Nations by fostering a shared
sense of belonging for all Australians, 
and we acknowledge the Gadigal people, traditional custodians of
Tubowgule, the land on which the Opera House stands.



-----Original Message-----

From: Daniel Wallace <[2][FOI #10399 email]>

Sent: Wednesday, 21 June 2023 7:14 PM

To: Info Desk <[3][email address]>

Subject: Government Information (Public Access) request - Information
regarding costs and expenses for Opera House sail light projection


Dear Sydney Opera House,


Under the FOI Act, I am requesting information or documents that describe
the following:


1) Current hourly and up-front costs internally incurred by Sydney Opera
House for the purpose of digitally projecting onto the building's sails
(whether motion graphic, image, or static colour projection).


2) Current hourly and up-front costs charged by Sydney Opera House for the
purpose of digitally projecting onto the building's sails (whether motion
graphic, image, or static colour projection).


3) Current hourly and up-front costs internally incurred by Sydney Opera
House for the purpose of operating the flood lights located on the western
side of the building (static colour flood specifically).


4) Current hourly and up-front costs charged by Sydney Opera House for the
purpose of operating the flood lights located on the western side of the
building (static colour flood specifically).


The cost and charge figures for the above should each include a breakdown
- with subtotals (e.g. hourly/up-front labour, equipment, utilities,
licensing, etc.).


Items 1 and 2 refer specifically to occasions where projection originates
from the Overseas Passenger Building; not occasions where the third-party
requesting organisation supplies their own equipment.


The information/documents should ideally be based on a recent standard
sail illumination request/campaign. If this is not feasible, it may
instead be based on estimates that would reflect a typical campaign.


Yours faithfully,

Daniel Wallace




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[4][FOI #10399 email]


Is [5][Sydney Opera House request email] the wrong address for Government
Information (Public Access) requests to Sydney Opera House? If so, please
contact us using this form:



This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:



Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.





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Aline Cosson, Sydney Opera House

1 Attachment

Dear Daniel,


In response to your query, please see following details.


In response to your questions:

o 1) and 2), the cost incurred internally relates to the time of Opera
House staff - mainly venue hire and building staff - to manage the
sails lighting request/proposal and organise for the Opera House’s
floodlights to be switched off. No costs are charged externally for
these activities. Please note that besides SOH artistic commissions
such as Vivid, high-powered projections from the Overseas Passenger
Terminal involve third-party equipment hire and the engagement of
specialist animators/digital designers by the sails lighting
proponent. The Opera House does not manage this delivery process nor
charge a fee for these projections.
o 3) and 4), the Opera House incurs and on-charges $10,000 to light the
sails in a static colour using the onsite floodlights. This is a
cost-recovery fee to manage the process, including engaging the Opera
House’s lighting specialists to hire the boom lift and other relevant
equipment, and individually install, focus and deinstall coloured gels
on each of the western sails 30 floodlights.


The Opera House is sending you this information in response to your
request, without requiring you to lodge a formal access application under
Part 4 of the [1]GIPA Act. More details here:



If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact
[3][email address].


Kind regards,



Aline Cosson

Right to Information Officer



Sydney Opera House

Bennelong Point

GPO Box 4274 Sydney NSW 2001


The Sydney Opera House honours our First Nations by fostering a shared
sense of belonging for all Australians, 
and we acknowledge the Gadigal people, traditional custodians of
Tubowgule, the land on which the Opera House stands.



-----Original Message-----

From: Daniel Wallace <[5][FOI #10399 email]>

Sent: Wednesday, 21 June 2023 7:14 PM

To: Info Desk <[6][email address]>

Subject: Government Information (Public Access) request - Information
regarding costs and expenses for Opera House sail light projection


Dear Sydney Opera House,


Under the FOI Act, I am requesting information or documents that describe
the following:


1) Current hourly and up-front costs internally incurred by Sydney Opera
House for the purpose of digitally projecting onto the building's sails
(whether motion graphic, image, or static colour projection).


2) Current hourly and up-front costs charged by Sydney Opera House for the
purpose of digitally projecting onto the building's sails (whether motion
graphic, image, or static colour projection).


3) Current hourly and up-front costs internally incurred by Sydney Opera
House for the purpose of operating the flood lights located on the western
side of the building (static colour flood specifically).


4) Current hourly and up-front costs charged by Sydney Opera House for the
purpose of operating the flood lights located on the western side of the
building (static colour flood specifically).


The cost and charge figures for the above should each include a breakdown
- with subtotals (e.g. hourly/up-front labour, equipment, utilities,
licensing, etc.).


Items 1 and 2 refer specifically to occasions where projection originates
from the Overseas Passenger Building; not occasions where the third-party
requesting organisation supplies their own equipment.


The information/documents should ideally be based on a recent standard
sail illumination request/campaign. If this is not feasible, it may
instead be based on estimates that would reflect a typical campaign.


Yours faithfully,

Daniel Wallace




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[7][FOI #10399 email]


Is [8][Sydney Opera House request email] the wrong address for Government
Information (Public Access) requests to Sydney Opera House? If so, please
contact us using this form:



This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:



Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.





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8. mailto:[Sydney Opera House request email]

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