Information pertaining to Cadence Health Complaint Reference: 1001093 re 'advertising the delivery of nationally recognised training'

Glenise Hills made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Skills Quality Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Glenise Hills

Dear Australian Skills Quality Authority,

Reference: Complaint Reference: 1001093

I would like to request information on the organisation/person who submitted the original complaint that initiated the above complaint process by ASQA on 27 September 2013.

I would like a copies notating the:
- Date
- Nature of the complaint
- Details of the complainant
that were submitted to ASQA and led to the above complaint received by Cadence Health on the 27/9/2013 by email. I do not require the details beyond this as the complaint was fully resolved.

We believe this complaint may relate to a habitual and potentially vexatious complainant and we require evidence to support potential further action.

Yours faithfully,
Leanne Cooper
Cadence Health Pty Ltd
[email address]
02 9401 1159

ASQA - Freedom of Information, Australian Skills Quality Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Hills,


We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information application by email
on 20 April 2016. Your application will be considered in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).


As your request was received on 20 April 2016, the 30 day statutory period
to process your request commenced from the day after that date.  You
should therefore expect to receive a decision by 23 May 2016.  This period
may be extended if ASQA needs to consult third parties, impose a charge or
for other reasons.  You will be advised if this happens.


We will contact you using the email address specified.


If you have any questions about this matter, please email the FOI Contact
Officer, Ms Carolyn Hodges, at [1][ASQA request email]


Yours Sincerely,


FOI Team [4]cid:image007.jpg@01CC2B5C.EC5A2CA0

Australian Skills Quality Authority 
GPO Box 9928, Melbourne VIC 3001

Info line 1300 701 801

[2][ASQA request email]





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not necessarily represent those of ASQA. ASQA does not accept liability
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ASQA - Freedom of Information, Australian Skills Quality Authority

3 Attachments

Dear Ms Cooper,


Please see attached correspondence from ASQA in regard to your FOI


If you have any questions, please email the FOI Contact Officer, Ms
Carolyn Hodges at: [1][ASQA request email]


Yours Sincerely,



FOI Team [4]cid:image007.jpg@01CC2B5C.EC5A2CA0

Australian Skills Quality Authority 
GPO Box 9928, Melbourne VIC 3001

Info line 1300 701 801

[2][ASQA request email]





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Glenise Hills

Dear ASQA - Freedom of Information,

In regards to the matter pertaining to the FOI request submitted to ASQA, your response appears delayed given the FOI Act would deem that a response should have been provided by May 20, 2016.

I ask your attendance to this matter with details relating to the delay, or the outcome, by COB Friday 27 June, 2016.

Yours sincerely,

Glenise Hills

ASQA - Freedom of Information, Australian Skills Quality Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Hills,

Thank you for your email below dated 23 May 2016.

In the attachment to our email of 17 May 2016 that you quote below, we advised Ms Cooper that the period for processing her request was being extended by 30 days under section 15(6) of the Freedom of Information Act so that we might consult with a third party whose personal and/or business information is contained within the documents she has requested.

We have requested that Ms Cooper permit us to provide her identity to the relevant third party and are awaiting her response by COB 24 May 2016.

We have attached a copy of the original letter for your reference.


FOI Team

Australian Skills Quality Authority
GPO Box 9928, Melbourne VIC 3001
Info line 1300 701 801
[ASQA request email] 

show quoted sections

Glenise Hills left an annotation ()

I give permission for my identity, that being Glenise Hills, to be provided to ASQA in relation to passing this on the individual or organisation at the centre of the the FOI.
Thank you
Glenise Hills.

Glenise Hills

Dear ASQA - Freedom of Information,

I approve ASQA to disclose to the third party involved my identity as 'Glenise Hills'.

Yours sincerely,

Glenise Hills

Glenise Hills

Dear ASQA - Freedom of Information,

I am yet to hear further details.

Yours sincerely,

Glenise Hills

Glenise Hills

Dear ASQA - Freedom of Information,

Sent without prejudice

I note that to date you have not responded to my request for information and that the details are now substantially overdue. As in accordance with relevant acts, and given due process as been followed you should by now have responded to my request.

I ask that you urgently attend to this matter and provide a reply to this email by close of business today (21 June, 2016).

Yours sincerely,

Glenise Hills

ASQA - Freedom of Information, Australian Skills Quality Authority

4 Attachments

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For Official Use Only

Dear Ms Cooper,


Please see attached correspondence from ASQA and accompanying documents.


If you have any questions, please email the FOI Contact Officer, Ms
Carolyn Hodges at: [1][ASQA request email].


Yours Sincerely


FOI Team [4]cid:image007.jpg@01CC2B5C.EC5A2CA0

Australian Skills Quality Authority 
GPO Box 9928, Melbourne VIC 3001

Info line 1300 701 801

[2][ASQA request email]




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Glenise Hills

Dear Australian Skills Quality Authority,

Without prejudice

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Australian Skills Quality Authority's handling of my FOI request 'Information pertaining to Cadence Health Complaint Reference: 1001093 re 'advertising the delivery of nationally recognised training''.

While I appreciate the details provided the date of the documents do not match the date of the complaint received by staff at Cadence Health. The initial complaint details sent by Sandi Daniels was received on 27 September 2013, while the document supplied today under the FOI was dates almost one year prior (23 October 2012).

Was the information supplied pertaining to another issue given also that the programs and nature of the complaint noted in the 2012 document do not appear to relate to the programs in the 2013 complaint, (your reference Complaint Reference: 1001093)? There appears to be some mismatch in information?

I would specifically like to know who the complainant was for the 2013 complaint details that Cadence Health received.

I look forward to a timely resolution of this request.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Glenise Hills

ASQA - Freedom of Information, Australian Skills Quality Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Hills,


Thank you for your email dated 21 June 2016.


We acknowledge your request for internal review of ASQA’s decision made in
relation to FOI application number 15-16-0052. Your application will be
considered in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).


As your request was received on 21 June 2016, the 30 day statutory period
to process your request commenced from the day after that date.  You
should therefore expect to receive a decision by Friday 22 July 2016. 
This period may be extended if ASQA needs to consult third parties, impose
a charge or for other reasons.  You will be advised if this happens.


We will contact you using the email address specified.


If you have any questions about this matter, please email the FOI Contact
Officer at [1][ASQA request email]



FOI Team [4]cid:image007.jpg@01CC2B5C.EC5A2CA0

Australian Skills Quality Authority 
GPO Box 9928, Melbourne VIC 3001

Info line 1300 701 801

[2][ASQA request email]





This email and any attachments to it may contain information that is
confidential or legally privileged. If you have received it in error,
please notify us immediately by return email or by calling 1300 701 801
and delete all copies from your system. If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this message is strictly
prohibited. Any opinions presented in this email or its attachments may
not necessarily represent those of ASQA. ASQA does not accept liability
for any data corruption, interception or consequences of viruses. You can
read ASQA's privacy policy on


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ASQA - Freedom of Information, Australian Skills Quality Authority

4 Attachments

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Dear Ms Cooper,


Please see attached correspondence from ASQA and accompanying document.


If you have any questions, please email the FOI Contact Officer at:
[ASQA request email].


Yours Sincerely,


FOI Team [3]cid:image007.jpg@01CC2B5C.EC5A2CA0

Australian Skills Quality Authority 
GPO Box 9928, Melbourne VIC 3001

Info line 1300 701 801

[1][ASQA request email]





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1. mailto:[ASQA request email]