Incorrect transfer of plate ownership

David Caboz made this Freedom of Information request to WA Department of Transport

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are David Caboz, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear WA Department of Transport,

I with to review records to clarify an inquiry regarding licence plate transfer (FREO 8) (WA Registered) from my name David Caboz to Belinda Caboz In approximately 2002. I went to access these plates for my car and was made aware that they are in the ownership of my now ex wife who will not agree to return them. I do not believe I hand signed a transfer of ownership form for this to occur. Rockingham Licensing Centre were unable to clarify and referred me into your department for further assistance.
Please provide any proof that will enable these back into my possession.

Yours faithfully,

David Caboz

FOI, WA Department of Transport

Dear Mr Caboz


I refer to your email below and can advise that this can be obtained
through the FOI process.


To enable me to process your FOI application it needs to comply with
section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 1992.  Section 12(1)

(1) The access application has to —

                  (a)     be in writing; and

                  (b)     give enough information to enable the requested
documents to be identified; and

(c)     give an address in Australia to which notices under this Act can
be sent; and

                  (d)     give any other information or details required
under the regulations; and

                  (e)     be lodged at an office of the agency with any
application fee payable under the regulations.


Therefore to comply with the requirements of section 12(1) of the FOI Act,
I require you to provide me with an Australian address to which Notices
relating to this matter can be sent


Your application is considered a Non-Personal Application (Application for
documents not about yourself - requires a $30 application fee).  The
reason for this is that you are requesting information about a transfer
form for a vehicle, not just information about yourself.  A Personal
Application would be something like requesting a copy of your driving
record, or documents showing all known residential addresses we have on
record for you.


To enable me to process your FOI Application, I will require payment of
the FOI Application fee pursuant to Section 12(1)(e) of the FOI Act.  The
Application fee is prescribed by the Freedom of Information Regulations
1993 as $30 and is payable to the Department of Transport either by cheque
or money order.


Once I receive an Australia address and the application fee I can then
process your application in accordance with the FOI Act and will provide
you with a Notice of Decision within 45 days.


Further information in relation to FOI Applications and the process can be




Linda Roberts

A/ Coordinator Freedom of Information | Corporate Services | Department of

Level 9, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000

Tel: (08) 6551 6544  Fax: (08) 6551 6942

Email: [email address] | Web:





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