Human researh, self-experimentation

Mark R. Diamond made this Freedom of Information request to National Health and Medical Research Council

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

To the FOI Officer, NHMRC

I would be grateful if you would, if possible, deal with this request under administrative arrangements rather than invoking the cumbersome machinery of the Freedom of Information Act. If that is not possible, please let me know, and I might reframe the request and resubmit it as a formal FOI application.

I am seeking a copy of documents held by the NHMRC relating to research involving self-experimentation, by which I mean those projects or experiments in which the only participant is the researcher themselves.

Self-experimentation is not discussed in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research but I am seeking to identify any documents (relating to, or addressing, self-experimentation) that were considered in drafting the most recent revision of the National Statement.

Yours faithfully,

Mark R. Diamond

NHMRC FOI, National Health and Medical Research Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Diamond


I refer to your email to the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC) on 9 January 2023 about documents that relate to research
involving self-experimentation (i.e., projects or experiments in which the
only participant is the researcher themselves).


Your email further clarifies that you are seeking to identify any
documents (relating to, or addressing, self-experimentation) that were
considered in drafting the most recent revision of the [1]National
Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (National Statement). I
note that you are seeking these documents under administrative access
arrangements and not under the [2]Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).


As the above issue has not been considered as part of drafting the most
recent revision of the National Statement, NHMRC does not hold documents
of this nature.


Please note that while the National Statement does not specifically
reference this type of research, all research involving humans in
Australia should meet the requirements of the National Statement and
the [3]Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the
Code). The National Statement is the principal ethical guideline setting
out the requirements for the ethical design, review and conduct of human
research in Australia and the Code guides institutions and researchers in
responsible research practices and promotes research integrity.


Kind regards





NHMRC Freedom of Information 
National Health & Medical Research Council 
[4][NHMRC request email]

+61 (0) 2 6217 9000



[6]Graphical user interface, application Description automatically




show quoted sections

Dear Kate,
Many thanks for your reply, and for having been able to deal with the essential aspect of my request without having to invoke the FOI Act. Most appreciated.
Kind regards,
Mark R. Diamond