How can a Complaint to the NSW Department of Education be recast

Matthew Bates made this Government Information (Public Access) request to NSW Department of Education

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by NSW Department of Education.

Dear NSW Department of Education,

I raised some complaints to the NSW Department of Education this year.
One complaint that I raised on June 23rd, 2019 and referenced as C2 was changed by the investigator assigned to the request and not investigated as per the complaint I raised.

I sent an email through to the Metropolitan North Operational Directorate with an outcome that I sought of an independent review of this complaint after the determinations were provided.

I received communication on October 17th, 2019 from the assigned reviewer that 'An internal review does not involve a recasting of the elements of the original complaint'

The determinations document on 29th October, 2019 acknowledged that the previous determinations for this complaint 'do not comprehensively address the concerns you raised.'

After further requesting a review, I was advised on November 29th by the Metropolitan North Operational Directorate when I raised the same concern that my complaint was not reviewed that 'an internal review does not involve a recasting of the elements of the original complaint'

As of December 23rd, 2019 the complaint that I raised and referenced as C2 on June 23rd, 2019 has not been fully investigated as per the complaint that I raised.

I would like to know how my complaint can be 'recast' to have a review of all of the elements of the Complaint performed that I raised on June 23rd 2019

Yours faithfully,


Dear NSW Department of Education,

Can you please provide details on how a complaint raised to the NSW Department of Education can be re-cast after the NSW Department of Education has closed the complaint?

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Bates

Dear NSW Department of Education,

I have received no response or acknowledgement for this request.

Please advise

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Bates

Jenni Pendergast, NSW Department of Education

Dear Matthew

We do not receive requests through the Right to Know website and therefore we have not responded.
You cannot make a request to the NSW Department of Education on this website even though they claim you can.

If you would like to make a request please go to the following website where you can read our Agency Information Guide and complete our GIPA forms.


Jenni Pendergast
R/Manager Information Access | Legal Services
Level 5, 105 Phillip Street Parramatta 2150 | L: 02 7814 1107 |e [email address]

I acknowledge the homelands of all Aboriginal people and pay my respect to Country.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Bates <[FOI #6037 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2020 10:08 PM
To: IA Unit <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Government Information (Public Access) request - How can a Complaint to the NSW Department of Education be recast

Dear NSW Department of Education,

I have received no response or acknowledgement for this request.

Please advise

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Bates

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[FOI #6037 email]

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Posty left an annotation ()

Looks to me like they received it, but don't want to reply 🤷

Posty left an annotation ()

This is not formatted as a valid foi request either.