Hobart RWY 30 RNP-AR - Flight Path Design - pre 2020

Waiting for an internal review by Airservices Australia of their handling of this request.

Dear Airservices Australia,

I note ASA released a Flight Path Design Principles (Version 1) document on 1st October 2020.
1: Could I please obtain a copy of all prior Flight Path Design documents from 1 January 2015 to 30 September 2020.
2: Also a copy of all current Flight Path Design Principles documents after Version 1, (if applicable).

Thanking you
Cathy Minnucci

Dear Airservices Australia,

I think you may have replied to a similar FOI request that was actually withdrawn.

In your reply you mention that ...”prior to the airspace change process, flight path design and design criteria were applied by Airservices in accordance with relevant regulatory requirements.”

If possible, could I please obtain a copy of these documents or any other documents that would have been used in flight path design /noise management?
Surely some flight design principles were available when designing the very low flying, noisy, and polluting RWY30 RNP-AR into Hobart.

I have provided a time frame from 1 Jan 2015 – 30 Sept 2020.
If such documents existed before 2015, could I please ask you to provide that.

Thank you for also confirming that the Flight Path Design Principles (Version 1) is currently still being used.

Yours faithfully,

Cathy Minnucci

Dear Airservices Australia,

This request is now well overdue.
It would be appreciated if I could obtain the information requested.

With due respect....you were extremely quick to action some responses before the upcoming Senate Hearing, but now no action!!

Yours faithfully,

Cathy Minnucci