Higher Ed advertising campaign
Dear Department of Education,
I write to request under the FOI act, details of advertising campaign for the Higher Education Changes including:
* Documents such as invoices outlining the cost of creative development, placement, web development and hosting for the site.
* Emails between Departmental officials regarding the content of the advertising campaign.
* Correspondence between Departmental officials and the Minister and/or Minister's office regarding the campaign
Yours faithfully,
Jeremy Cooper-Stout

Locutus Sum left an annotation ()
Always it is a pity that applicants do not take enough time to consider how to make their requests. Unfortunately, I think that it is the case with this request also.
What exactly is "[the] advertising campaign" of which the applicant speaks, and what are "the Higher Education Changes". Yes, I have asked my friends and I know that there was some television advertising recently about higher education but is it this television advertising that is meant? Also, which changes, exactly does the applicant mean?
It is no good to say, "it is obvious" because it is not. It is also no good to say, "the Department will know" ... they will very reasonably say that they do not. Maybe that will be for the purpose of wasting time but it can also be for the purpose of NOT wasting time. The Department will not want to waste time finding documents that maybe the applicant wanted but onloy later to discover that the applicant meant something else.
I suggest an immediate new email (under this request) to the department. Say exactly what advertising is meant. Say what period of time the department must consider. If the applicant is refering to something that must be later than the Australian budget, then say that only documents produced after May 2014 are wanted. If the applicant is referring to one message of advertising (fx "foreshadowed changes in 2015 to higher education will be good for you") then say so. If it is about all advertising on television and radio with any message about higher education, say so.
If the request remains vague then the Department will reply (in 30 days) and it will say that the request is vague and that it needs to have the applicant clarify the request. And then another 30 days will pass ...
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Cooper-Stout
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Education in
relation to your request under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Alexandra Brown
Senior Government Lawyer
Schools, Youth, Child Care, and Corporate Legal Branch
Australian Government Department of Education
Opportunity through learning
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Tom Swann left an annotation ()
A similar FOI to the Dept of Immigration: https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/a...
I wrote it up here: http://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/...