Healthcare for people exertion intolerance diseases such as myalgic encephalomyelitis
Dear SA Health,
The National Centre for Neuroimmune and Emerging Diseases at Griffith Univeristy, QLD had a clinic for the disease characterised by exertion intolerance ie Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) patients under the guidance of Prof, Don Staines, that worked in conjuction with allied health workers specialising in best practice management practices for children and adults with ME.
1. Provide a list of specialists who now see children and adults with ME in SA.
3. Records on the number of SA Children and adults with ME.
4..Record of the number of health services (home cleaining, transport) provided for children and adults with ME.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Joradan
Dear Mark
I refer to your below email.
Please find attached a Freedom of Information application form. Once
complete please return with the application fee of $33.50 to SA Health PO
Box 287 Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000.
Kind regards
Vanessa Brecknell
Senior Liaison Officer – Freedom of Information Finance and Corporate
Services Department for Health & Ageing
Tel: 08 8226 0705 │ Fax: 08 8226 0720