Hansard entry of Victorian Sheriff Act 2009
Dear Office of Parliamentary Counsel,
I would like to request a copy of the Hansard entry relating to the enacting of the Sheriffs act 2009 Victoria.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Weissbacher
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Dear Mr Weissbacher
As advised in my previous email, the Commonwealth Office of Parliamentary
Counsel does not have any role in arranging or documenting the passage of
legislation through State Parliaments and we are unable to assist you in
this matter.
I recommend that you contact the relevant authority within the Victorian
Tony Perkins
Assistant Director Corporate Services
Office of Parliamentary Counsel | 39 Brisbane Ave Barton ACT 2600
| Locked Bag 30 Kingston ACT 2604
T 02 6270 1452 | M 0437 762 832 | F 02 6270 1403
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