General Ledger (Last 5 Financial Years)

Trent Morrison-Francis made this Freedom of Information request to Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Regulator as part of a batch sent to 40 authorities

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Trent Morrison-Francis

Dear Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Regulator,

Please provide a dollar figure for the last 5 financial years general ledger for the department.

We are not asking for the details being the GL just the expenditure by line item for the department for the 5 years

Yours faithfully,

Melissa Jones

Dear Melissa Jones


Thank you for your email.


Your request was made to the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards
Regulator which was established under the Water Efficiency Labelling and
Standards Act 2005, and is an officer of the Department of Agriculture,
Water and the Environment, supported by staff within the department.


The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Regulator is not considered
to be an entity of which a request can be made under the FOI Act. For this
reason we consider your request to be invalid.


However for your reference, the general ledger transactions specifically
for Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Regulator are reported in the
Administered Special Account notes of the Department of Agriculture and
Water Resources financial statements. You can review the annual reports by
visiting [1]




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-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Morrison-Francis
<[FOI #7458 email]>
Sent: Friday, 11 June 2021 2:19 PM
To: Foi <[WELS request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - General Ledger (Last 5 Financial


Dear Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Regulator,


Please provide a dollar figure for the last 5 financial years general
ledger for the department.


We are not asking for the details being the GL just the expenditure by
line item for the department for the 5 years


Yours faithfully,


Melissa Jones




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Trent Morrison-Francis

Dear Foi,

This is sufficient

Yours sincerely,

Melissa Jones