General Ledger (Last 5 Financial Years)

Trent Morrison-Francis made this Freedom of Information request to Department of the Senate as part of a batch sent to 40 authorities

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Trent Morrison-Francis

Dear Department of the Senate,

Please provide a dollar figure for the last 5 financial years general ledger for the department.

We are not asking for the details being the GL just the expenditure by line item for the department for the 5 years

Yours faithfully,

Melissa Jones

Usher of the Black Rod (SEN), Department of the Senate

2 Attachments

Dear Melissa


Section 68A of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 exempts parliamentary
departments and people holding or performing the duties of an office
established under that Act from the definition of a prescribed authority
under the FOI Act. This has the effect that the Senate department is
exempt from the FOI act requirements. However, the department complies
with the intent of the FOI Act for administrative documents and as such we
have compiled the information requested below:


Line item $’000
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Employee             21,614             21,184             20,692             20,065             20,369
Professional                    502                    363                    318                    391                    481
Assets and                    301                    603                    990                    666                    285
Staff                    115                      88                    103                      89                      71
Hire charges
and                    124                    176                    223                    191                    184
Travel                    506                    668                    805                    667                    848
information                    166                    134                    157                    166                    231
office                    451                    386                    442                    446                    425
Printing                    104                    136                    146                    260                    236
Received                2,217                2,127                2,069                2,043                2,016
Free of
Other                    302                    321                    736                    904                    771
Total        26,402        26,186        26,681        25,888        25,917




Usher of the Black Rod / Chief Operating Officer

Black Rod’s Office  |  Department of the Senate






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