Funding to University of Tasmania by Fisheries industry
Dear Australian Fisheries Management Authority,
I require details of research funding to University of Tas by fisheries industry, specifically regarding salmon farming and marine reserves
Yours faithfully, Hugh McLean (ph 041327822)
I tried calling you on the number provided but it seems to be missing 1 digit. Would you mind confirming the number again and I will call you.
Paul Halliday
Senior Manager, Legal Services
Corporate Services Branch
Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Ph: (02) 6225 5329 Fax: (02) 6225 5500
Dear Hugh,
I refer to our telephone conversation this morning when we discussed your FOI request. I confirm that AFMA is the regulator of commercial fishing within Commonwealth waters but we have no jurisdiction in relation to Salmon, which is a state government matter. In this context your request fro information should be directed to the Tasmanian State Government fisheries department.
AFMA also has no jurisdiction in relation to Commonwealth marine parks which come within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth Department of the Environment and your enquiry should properly be directed to Environment.
In the circumstances I should be grateful if you would kindly let me have a short email confirming that you withdraw your current request.
Kind Regards
Paul Halliday
Senior Manager, Legal Services
Corporate Services Branch
Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Ph: (02) 6225 5329 Fax: (02) 6225 5500
Dear HALLIDAY, Paul,
Paul, Hugh here. Sent response as requested. Wound up at some obscure charity. In the interests of security, may pay for you to provide a personal email address. Cheers, Hugh McLean
Yours sincerely,
Hugh McLean
Sorry Hugh, I thought my signature block had my email address, it is [email address]
Paul Halliday
Senior Manager, Legal Services
Corporate Services Branch
Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Ph: (02) 6225 5329 Fax: (02) 6225 5500