Fundamental Safety Principles For Protection Against Non-Ionizing Radiation

J M made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Dear Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency,

I am requesting full disclosure of the document "Fundamental Safety Principles For
Protection Against Non-Ionizing Radiation" and all drafts/amending documents associated with it.

I am requesting this information in response to D0019 where all draft copies of this document were redacted under section 33

wherein the release of documents, it is cited that redaction of the drafts were made due to:
Section 33 of the FOI Act - Documents affecting national security, defence or international relations

I do not agree with this assessment, as renewed public interest in 5G technology has gained momentum, due to the Australian Public being on the cusp of the rollout. It will be better for the public to know the full workings of intergovernmental discussions pertinent to new and emerging technologies - where the health effects and interference vectors are crucial to the public's understanding due to limited technical/researched information being available, as of this point in time.

I believe it is in the public's interest to be made aware of the working processes of the government's assessment of 5G technology. Specifically the scientific preliminary working materials.

I see no reason subsequent release of this documentation will in any way affect the working relationships of partnered WHO members, nor will it affect the WHO itself or national security. Furthermore, if there is reason to believe the public's response will in-fact hinder these relationships - it is not a valid reason to retain privacy classification.

"The decision maker is not required to consider the public interest test (s 11A(5)) until they have first determined that the document is conditionally exempt. A decision maker cannot withhold access to a document simply because it conditionally exempt. Disclosure of conditionally exempt documents is required unless in the particular circumstances and, at the time of the decision, there is, on balance, countervailing harm which offsets the inherent public interest of giving access."

Due to the Australian public's limited understanding on this matter - it would be lawful and justified to release these documents.

if, however, the documents are deemed exempt regardless of public interest under :
1. 47G(1)(a) - I request the names of those businesses affected
2. 11A(5) - I request all liaising documents by the agency discussing the balance of public interest, and the conclusion of those assessments - including any polling/studies pertinent to the discussion/s.
3. If the continued exemption related specifically to the WHO - I request the disclosure be made with the interest of Australian citizens as a priority - first and foremost - i am not requesting information on member states, nor the identifiable names of individuals involved - more-or-less i am asking for imperial data studies, charts, drafts and preliminary working documents/reports, as information related to technical specifications and biological effects may have been removed in the lead up to the final report/s, and this information will help the public better understand the misinformation being spread rapidly, why these issues have become so widespread, and how they can better identify "fake news" in the future.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,
J M.

ARPANSA FOI, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Dear J M

I have prepared this information under administrative access arrangements in response to your email query dated 31 July 2020.

A decision was made 19 June 2019 on the FOI request seeking access to the draft version of the international document with draft document title "Fundamental Safety Principles For Protection Against Non-Ionizing Radiation".
I note this is not an ARPANSA publication.
Documents which were released following the 19 June 2019 decision are at ARPANSA Disclosure log entries No D0019 available at

Your rights to have this decision of 19 June 2019 reviewed are set out by the OAIC: see

If you wish to lodge a new FOI request, please ensure your request satisfies the requirements for a FOI request and please use ARPANSA FOI request form (

John Templeton
Privacy and FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
+612 95418345
[email address]

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John Templeton, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Dear J M

Your email on 31 July 2020 is not a valid FOI request, as you have failed "to state that you’re requesting access to information under the FOI Act".

Please make clear if you wish to make "an FOI request under the FOI Act".

How to make a FOI request general guidance is available at

If you wish to lodge a new FOI request under the FOI Act, please:
(a) ensure your request satisfies the requirements for a FOI request under the FOI Act:
(b) use ARPANSA FOI under the FOI Act request form:

In making any application under FOI Act please ensure that you "state the document(s) you want, giving enough detail to help the agency or minister to identify the document(s)".

Before lodging a freedom of information request under the FOI Act please check if the information you want is already available on the website of the agency you think holds the information. For example please check the ARPANSA Disclosure Log at

John Templeton
Privacy and FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
+612 95418345
[email address]

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ARPANSA FOI, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Dear J M

29 September 2020 is the due date for your FOI application received 31 July 2020. This due date is in accordance with the FOI Act 1982.

Your FOI request is for access to the following documents (or parts of documents):
"full disclosure of the document "Fundamental Safety Principles For Protection Against Non-Ionizing Radiation" and all drafts/amending documents associated with it".

Your application is currently in the “third party consultation” phase.

John Templeton
Privacy and FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
+612 95418345
[email address]

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You have an obligation to reply in a prompt manner. There is no reason this should be delayed.

Yours sincerely,


ARPANSA FOI, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

1 Attachment

Dear J M

Please find attached ARPANSA's FOI Initial Decision Letter of 29 September 2020.

John Templeton
Privacy and FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
+612 95418345
[email address]

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