Fraud audits across the department
Dear Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources,
It is not clear whether you have searched across all divisions for fraud audit and compliance reviews in this request by Lynn here:
Note the request stated: "If no audits/compliance reviews were performed, then please perform the same search but for all divisions."
Please make available only the first page of each fraud audit (as per s 14.2 of the Fraud and Corruption Control Plan - FCCP) and fraud detection compliance review (as per s 14.4 of the FCCP) conducted by the Department in years 2018 and 2019.
If you can confirm that the decision in the request linked above involved a broader search across the Department, I will withdraw this request.
Kind regards,
Denis Jakota
Dear Mr Jakota
The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (the department)
has received your Freedom of Information request of 17 March 2021
I am writing on behalf of the department to acknowledge receipt of your
Currently, a decision is due to you by 16 April 2021. However, this
timeline may be affected by the requirement to undertake consultation with
affected third parties, or if the department determines you are liable to
pay a charge in relation to your request. You will be notified by the
department if charges are liable or if a third party consultation is
Confirmation of Scope - personal information
For documents that fall within the scope of the request, it is the
practice of the department to withhold:
o the names, signatures and contact details of junior staff; that is:
o Commonwealth staff who are not in the Senior Executive Service
(SES); and
o Ministerial staff below the level of Chief of Staff; and
o the mobile phone numbers of SES officers.
The names and other details of SES officers will be released unless the
information is exempt from disclosure.
Confirmation from you that you are not seeking other 'personal
information' (i.e. contact details of any individuals, or any information
that could reasonably identify an individual) may enable a more timely and
cost effective processing of your request.
Therefore, could you please confirm if you are happy to exclude personal
information in the documents relating to:
o Commonwealth staff; and
o third party individuals.
If you are seeking access to specific types of personal information, could
you please specify. If you are not seeking access to any personal
information, you can simply reply to this email with 'no personal
information requested'.
Responding to this email
Could you please provide the above clarification at your earliest
convenience, but by no later than 25 March 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact the department’s FOI Team by
email at [1][email address].
Yours sincerely,
Christina Graves
Special Counsel
[2][email address]
MinterEllison MinterEllison Building 25 National Circuit Forrest ACT 2603
[3] Follow us on [4]LinkedIn and [5]Twitter
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range of COVID-19 related topics and a COVID-19 Hub [7]on our website.
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Dear Christina Graves,
Probably too little too late, but I overlooked your 'personal information' question -- I request no personal information.
Kind regards,
Denis Jakota
Dear Christina Graves,
May I please get an update about this one (due 16 April)?
Kind regards,
Denis Jakota
Our reference: RQ21/00987
Agency reference: LEX68411
Mr Denis Jakota
Sent by email: [1][FOI #7158 email]
Extension of time under s 15AB
Dear Mr Jakota
Please find attached a decision of today’s date.
Kind regards,
[2][IMG] Avanithah Selvarajah | Review and
Investigations Adviser (Legal)
Investigations and Compliance
Freedom of information Regulatory
Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner
GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 |
+61 2 9284 9625 |
[4][email address]
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Dear Denis
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 17
March 2021.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the FOI
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources |
Supporting economic growth and job creation for all Australians
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Ay, caramba!
Under the Freedom of Information Act, please release all enquiries and responses made for the purposes of:
- this request 68411 - enquiries with the Fraud Audit Team as noted in the decision, and
- the request 67800 - enquiries yielding no data "in electronic format" to denote 0 (zero) fraud audits.
I'm also requesting all personal information in these documents in the spirit of scrutiny as per the objects of the Act.
Kind regards,
Denis Jakota
Dear Mr Jakota
The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (the department)
has received your Freedom of Information request of 30 April 2021
I am writing on behalf of the department to acknowledge receipt of your
Currently, a decision is due to you by 30 May 2021. However, this timeline
may be affected by the requirement to undertake consultation with affected
third parties, or if the department determines you are liable to pay a
charge in relation to your request. You will be notified by the department
if charges are liable or if a third party consultation is required.
Confirmation of Scope – personal information
You have indicated in your request that you wish to access “all personal
information” in the documents.
For documents that fall within the scope of the request, it is the
practice of the department to withhold:
o the names, signatures and contact details of junior staff; that is:
o Commonwealth staff who are not in the Senior Executive Service
(SES); and
o Ministerial staff below the level of Chief of Staff; and
o the mobile phone numbers of SES officers.
The names and other details of SES officers will be released unless the
information is exempt from disclosure.
If you were to exclude personal information from the scope, this may
enable a more timely and cost effective processing of your request.
Therefore, could you please confirm if you are happy to exclude personal
information relating to Commonwealth staff and third party individuals, or
limit personal information requested to specified individuals?
Responding to this email
Could you please provide the above clarification at your earliest
convenience, but by no later than 13 May 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact the department's FOI Team by
email at [1][email address].
Yours sincerely
Christina Graves
Special Counsel
[2][email address]
MinterEllison Constitution Place, 1 Constitution Avenue, Canberra City ACT
[3] Follow us on [4]LinkedIn and [5]Twitter
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prohibited. Our liability in connection with this email (including due to
viruses in any attachments) is limited to re-supplying this email and its
attachments. We collect personal information to provide and market our
services and for other purposes - please refer to our privacy policy for
more information on how we collect and handle personal information.
Sensitive: Legal
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2. mailto:[email address]
Dear Denis
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 30
April 2021.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the FOI
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources |
Supporting economic growth and job creation for all Australians
Legal In Confidence - This transmission is intended only for the use of
the addressee and may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that
any use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If
you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately
by telephone and delete copies of this transmission together with any
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