Food safety inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016
Dear Local Council,
Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?
How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?
What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?
Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for and how many?
What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Gladstone
Good Afternoon
Kindly complete the attached GIPA application form to enable me to conduct
a search of Council’s records.
You can scan and email the form back to me.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Miriam Afan
Acting Governance Officer
Campbelltown City Council
P: 02 4645 4330
F: 02 4645 4387
Visible links
Dear Miriam Afan,
This request is very simple as all the information I am asking for is contained in an annual report all councils provide to the NSW food Authority. The food authority send an email form each year and it is emailed back to them. Lane Cove council had it in their document management system but if you do not you can request it from the food authority and they will email it back to you.
The Food authority will not release the forms as it is third party information so I have to request it from all councils individually. I have already received this information from several councils without the need for a GIPA or any paper work as it is an informal request.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
Hello Nigel
To access Campbelltown City Council records you will need to complete the
application form that was sent to you. This is an application for an
informal request pursuant to GIPA.
Kindly complete the application form and return to Council to enable me to
conduct a GIPA search of Councils records.
Miriam Afan
Acting Governance Officer
Campbelltown City Council
P: 02 4645 4330
F: 02 4645 4387
From: Nigel Gladstone
[mailto:[FOI #2429 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2016 11:35 AM
To: Miriam Afan
Subject: Re: Government Information Public Access request Food safety
inspections for the years 2014 2015 and 2016 Gladestone
Dear Miriam Afan,
This request is very simple as all the information I am asking for is
contained in an annual report all councils provide to the NSW food
Authority. The food authority send an email form each year and it is
emailed back to them. Lane Cove council had it in their document
management system but if you do not you can request it from the food
authority and they will email it back to you.
The Food authority will not release the forms as it is third party
information so I have to request it from all councils individually. I have
already received this information from several councils without the need
for a GIPA or any paper work as it is an informal request.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
Dear Miriam Afan,
I can understand how filling out an application form could make it simpler for a public body to process a request. However it makes it much harder for citizens to make a request. It puts the onus on the citizen to learn the system instead of the system learning how the citizen expects to make a request. If every public body has a different form then the citizen must learn how to use a new form every time they wish to make a request.
This design principle is one of user-centred design and is included in the Federal Digital Transformation Office's Digital Service Standard, "Start with needs: user needs, not government needs":
From my point of view, this sort of thing makes government less transparent rather than more.
Providing access to information is a mandatory function of every public body and should be properly resourced. There are six other councils who have provided this information without me filling in any forms and I have directed you to the appropriate office if your council does not hold the information. I was told by one council it took about ten minutes to get the form you send to the food authority and send it to me.
Thanks again for taking the time to process my request and help me through this process.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
Hello Nigel
I note from your website, [1], you were lodging a
request directly with the NSW Food Authority for the subject information.
If you wish to seek information from Council, as previously advised, you
will need to submit an application form. Another copy has been attached
for your convenience.
Acting Governance Officer
Campbelltown City Council
P: 02 4645 4330
F: 02 4645 4387
Visible links
Dear Miriam Afan,
Please let me know if you need paperwork and be advised this is a media request which will form part of a wider story about GIPA and council's application of it.
The Food authority will not release the forms as it is third party information so I have to request it from all councils individually. I have already received this information from more than 20 councils without the need for a GIPA or any paper work as it is an informal request.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
Hello Nigel
As previously advised in my emails dated 31 October 2016, 1 November 2016
and 8 November 2016 you will need to complete an informal access to
information application form. This form has been provided to you in my
previous emails however I have attached another copy to this email for
your convenience. To avoid delaying your clients application any further
kindly complete the application form and forward to Council as per our
previous requests.
Kindly note pursuant to the Government Information (Public Access) Act
2009 (NSW) (GIPAA) the reason for which access to a government agency’s
records are requested, is irrelevant as such the purpose of your clients
request is not a consideration when evaluating an access application. The
only consideration is whether there is an overriding public interest
against disclosure as per section 14 of GIPAA. However a government agency
can impose any reasonable condition it deems fit for informal release of
government information (s8 GIPAA).
We look forward to receiving the completed application form.
Acting Governance Officer
Campbelltown City Council
P: 02 4645 4330
F: 02 4645 4387
Visible links
Dear Miriam Afan,
I have filled in the form and sent it to: [email address] ATTN to you.
Please let me know if you need anything further.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
Good Afternoon
I refer to your informal request for information pursuant to the
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 for access to Council
In accordance with your request a search of Council’s records has been
conducted. All records relating to your request that are in Councils
possession have been supplied in this email.
I trust this response satisfies your request and Council will now attend
to closing your application.
Acting Governance Officer
Campbelltown City Council
P: 02 4645 4330
F: 02 4645 4387
Visible links