Food safety inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016
Dear Local Council,
Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?
How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?
What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?
Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for and how many?
What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Gladstone
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 28/10/16.
This email has been forwarded to Corporate Support for attention.
In reply please send to [1][email address]
Sutherland Shire Council
Locked Bag 17
Sutherland NSW 1499
p: 61 2 97100333
e: [2][Sutherland Shire Council request email]
w: [3]
f: [4]
Dear ssc,
You have not responded to my request for information yet, it has been more than a month. Can I please clarify that I want to know how many high and medium risk food businesses were inspected in each year (2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16) and what percentage of the total number of these were inspected in each year, how many warnings, formal improvement notices and fines were issued in each year? How many outlets were shut down each year, if any?
This request is very simple as all the information I am asking for is contained in an annual report all councils provide to the NSW food Authority.
If you do not have a copy of it, you can request it from the food authority and they will email it back to you. I am happy to go through the form myself to get the information as several other councils have sent it to me.
Unfortunately, the Food authority will not release the forms as it is third party information so I have to request it from all councils individually. I have already received this information from more than 50 councils now without the need for a formal GIPA as it is an informal request.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 8/12/16.
This email has been forwarded to the Corporate Support for attention.
In reply please send to [email address]
Sutherland Shire Council
Locked Bag 17
Sutherland NSW 1499
p: 61 2 97100333
e: [Sutherland Shire Council request email]
Dear Mr Gladstone
I refer to your email of 28 October 2016 and email of 8 December 2016 in
which you requested:
The number of food safety inspections carried out in your area annually,
for the last three years?
How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?
What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?
Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for and
how many?
What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?
I apologise for the delay in responding to your request.
For your information, Council has received 1973 requests for information
(including informal and formal requests) since January this year.
All request are processed in the order that they are received and we
endeavour to complete these applications as soon as possible after
In relation to you request, Council does not keep the statistics that you
have requested however, a manual count has provided the following which I
provide by way of response.
Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections
carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?
2014/15 2015/16
1574 1507
How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?
2014/15 2015/16
Warnings 30
63 61
Fines 4
7 3
What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?
2014/15 2015/16
95% 100%
Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for and
how many?
One premises shut down for non-compliance in 2015 as a result of a
foodborne illness outbreak.
What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?
The legislation does not categorise worst offences.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further
Ellen Whittingstall
Executive Officer Privacy and Access to Information
p: 02 9710 0367
e: [1][email address]
w: [2]
f: [3]
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Ellen Whittingstall,
Can you please tell me how many formal improvement notices were issued in each year too?
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
Dear Mr Gladstone
I refer to your email of 15 December 2016 in which you requested the number of formal improvement notices were issued in subject years.
Please find statistics as follows:
YearFormal Improvement Notices issued
2015/16 24
2014/15 5
2013/14 17
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Ellen Whittingstall
Executive Officer Privacy and Access to Information
p: 9710 0367
e: [email address]