Food safety inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016
Dear Local Council,
Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?
How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?
What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?
Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for and how many?
What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Gladstone
Thank you for your emailed GIPA request, however Council does not hold that information in a central document that we can make available to the public. Council only has information on individual food files, specific to the premises, that is used by inspectors carrying out inspections as required under the partnership between the NSW Food Authority and Council. Annual reporting on inspections is directly inputed on-line to the NSW Food Authority. It is understood the NSW Food Authority uses this information to produce reports.
You may wish to contact the NSW Food Authority to enquire on the availability of such information.
For future reference, It should be noted that information which is not scheduled open access information under GIPA, requires the completion of a formal application and payment of the scheduled fee, as indicated on Council's website and in the regulations. When making such applications it would be beneficial for you to identify the purpose for which you require such information.
In answer to your earlier question, [Parkes Shire Council request email] is the correct address to which you would need to forward GIPA enquires and applications.
Michelle Bicket
Manager Building Certification | Parkes Shire Council
P 02 6861 2372 F 02 6862 3946
E [email address]
2 Cecile Street Parkes NSW 2870
It all adds up to deliver progress and value to our community.
Attention: This e-mail is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient please delete the message and notify the sender. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author.
Dear Michelle Bicket,
This request is very simple as all the information I am asking for is contained in an annual report all councils provide to the NSW food Authority. The food authority send an email form each year and it is emailed back to them. Lane Cove council had it in their document management system but if you do not you can request it from the food authority and they will email it back to you. It took about ten minutes to collate the information I am asking for according to other councils.
The Food authority will not release the forms as it is third party information so I have to request it from all councils individually. I have already received this information from several councils without the need for a GIPA or any paperwork as it is an informal request.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
I acknowledge your response, however you are again advised that Council provides this information by completing information on-line on the Food Authority website. The information is not recorded or reported in a separate document that is used within Council. GIPA only requires Council to make available documents in its records. Council is not required to research your questions or to research and obtain information from the NSW Food Authority. You are not requesting scheduled open access information, or information that Council has already deemed can be made publicly available.
Requests for Information outside of those parameters should be requested under a Formal GIPA application, particularly if the NSW Food Authority has to be consulted for information or as to whether their report information may be made available to the public. Form can be accessed from Council's website.
Michelle Bicket
Manager Building Certification | Parkes Shire Council
P 02 6861 2372 F 02 6862 3946
E [email address]
2 Cecile Street Parkes NSW 2870
It all adds up to deliver progress and value to our community.
Attention: This e-mail is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient please delete the message and notify the sender. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author.
Dear Michelle Bicket,
More than a dozen other NSW councils have provided this information without the need to fill in a form and all I am asking for you to do is access information you have compiled and provided to the NSW food authority, which made it public in its annual report.
It would take one email to [email address] asking for the forms you filled in to be sent to you. Then send them to me after redacting anything you deem to be "private".
To insist on a formal GIPA and $30 for what other councils described as "10 minutes work" is disappointing.
I hope you can write two emails without the need for me to pay $30 for the honor of accessing public information.
Yours sincerely,
Nigel Gladstone
Dear Parkes Shire Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Parkes Shire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Food safety inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016'.
More than 60 other NSW councils have fulfilled this request and i am told it would take just a single email to the food authority to get the information.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Gladstone