Food safety inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016

Nigel Gladstone made this Government Information (Public Access) request to Newcastle City Council as part of a batch sent to 149 authorities

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Nigel Gladstone

Dear Local Council,

Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?

How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?

What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?

Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for and how many?

What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?

Yours faithfully,

Nigel Gladstone

Official Mail, Newcastle City Council

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If required, a response will be provided as soon as possible.

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Anne Merle, Newcastle City Council

Dear Mr Gladstone,


I refer to your email request received by Newcastle City Council (Council)
on 28 October 2016 [2:42 PM] requesting Food safety data for the years
2014, 2015, 2016.


Please note that Council reports this information to the NSW Food
Authority who collates the data state wide, however it is collected in
financial years not calendar years.


I provide the following information in response to your questions below:


1.Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections
carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?


Information is available in financial years from the NSW Food Authority.


2. How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?


Information is available in financial years from the NSW Food Authority.


3. What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?


Council only inspects high and medium risk premises and respond to
complaints only for low risk premises.


4. Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for
and how many?


0 - Council has not issued a prohibition order in the last 3 years.


5. What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?


Based on Penalty Infringement Notices (PIN) total dollar value - Current
(issued within 12 months) available on the NSW Food Authority Name and
Shame website [2]


Your request has been processed informally under the Government
Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act).  Any information
not available on the NSW Food Authority's website or provided above can be
compiled by Council.


However, due to the time it would take to compile this information, it is
not considered appropriate to release further information informally under
the GIPA Act.  if you wish to proceed with your request, you will be
required to lodge a formal application under the GIPA Act and pay the $30
application fee.  Further processing fees of $30 may apply.  The form is
available from Council's website at




Anne Merle | Legal and Information Officer

Legal and Governance | Corporate Services

Newcastle City Council

Phone: +61 2 4974 2435 | Fax: +61 2 4974 2303 | [mobile number]

Email: [4][email address]

Web: [5]

Our Corporate Values: Cooperation | Respect | Excellence | Wellbeing



-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Gladstone
[mailto:[FOI #2488 email]]
Sent: Friday, 28 October 2016 2:42 PM
To: Official Mail
Subject: Government Information (Public Access) request - Food safety
inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016


Dear Local Council,


Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections
carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?


How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?


What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?  


Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for and
how many?


What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?


Yours faithfully,


Nigel Gladstone




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[6][FOI #2488 email]


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(Public Access) requests to Newcastle City Council? If so, please contact
us using this form:



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well as copyright material. Newcastle City Council does not waive any
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be copied, printed, distributed or adapted without Council’s consent. If
you are not the intended recipient you must not reproduce or distribute
any part of this email, disclose its contents to any other party, or take
any action in reliance on it. If you have received this email in error,
please contact the sender immediately and delete the message from your

This email does not constitute a representation by the Newcastle City
Council unless the author is legally entitled to do so. Any email message
sent or received by Newcastle Council may need to be disclosed by the
Council under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access)
Act 2009 (NSW). Any email message sent or received by Council may be saved
in Council’s Electronic Document Management System.

This email and any attachments have been virus scanned however Newcastle
City Council does not represent or warrant that this communication is
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Nigel Gladstone

Dear Anne Merle,

The Food authority will not release the forms or information as it is third party information so I have to request it from all councils individually. I have already received this information from many councils without the need for a GIPA or any paper work as it is an informal request.

All the information I am asking for is contained in the annual report all councils provide to the NSW food Authority. The food authority send an email form each year and it is emailed back to them. Lane Cove council had it in their document management system but if you do not you can request it from the food authority and they will email it back to you.

I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Gladstone

Anne Merle, Newcastle City Council

3 Attachments

Mr Gladstone,


I refer to your response below dated 10 November 2016 [12:41 PM].


My apologies - I did not realise that the link I forwarded to you at point
1 was a summary and did not contain Council's details.


Please find attached the reports submitted by Council to the Food
Authority for the financial years 2013 to 2016.  Some information is also
available on the Food Authority's at [1]
and [2] .


Any additional information regarding your request will require you to
lodge a formal GIPA application as stated in my response email dated 10
November 2016 [12:24 PM].




Anne Merle | Legal and Information Officer

Legal and Governance | Corporate Services

Newcastle City Council

Phone: +61 2 4974 2435 | Fax: +61 2 4974 2303 | [mobile number]

Email: [3][email address]

Web: [4]

Our Corporate Values: Cooperation | Respect | Excellence | Wellbeing


-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Gladstone
[mailto:[FOI #2488 email]]
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2016 12:41 PM
To: Anne Merle
Subject: Re: response from Newcastle City Council - GIPA request - Food
safety inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016


Dear Anne Merle,


The Food authority will not release the forms or information as it is
third party information so I have to request it from all councils
individually. I have already received this information from many councils
without the need for a GIPA or any paper work as it is an informal


All the information I am asking for is contained in the annual report all
councils provide to the NSW food Authority. The food authority send an
email form each year and it is emailed back to them. Lane Cove council had
it in their document management system but if you do not you can request
it from the food authority and they will email it back to you.


I hope this helps.


Yours sincerely,


Nigel Gladstone


-----Original Message-----


From: Anne Merle
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2016 12:24 PM
To: '[FOI #2488 email]'
Subject: response from Newcastle City Council - GIPA request - Food safety
inspections for the years 2014, 2015, 2016


Dear Mr Gladstone,


I refer to your email request received by Newcastle City Council (Council)
on 28 October 2016 [2:42 PM] requesting Food safety data for the years
2014, 2015, 2016.


Please note that Council reports this information to the NSW Food
Authority who collates the data state wide, however it is collected in
financial years not calendar years.


I provide the following information in response to your questions below:


1.Can you please provide me with the number of food safety inspections
carried out in your area annually, for the last three years?


Information is available in financial years from the NSW Food Authority.


2. How many warning were issued each year and how many fines each year?


Information is available in financial years from the NSW Food Authority.


3. What percentage of all food outlets did the council inspect each year?


Council only inspects high and medium risk premises and respond to
complaints only for low risk premises.


4. Have any outlets been shut down for non-compliance and if so what for
and how many?


0 - Council has not issued a prohibition order in the last 3 years.


5. What were the worst offences/biggest fines for each year?


Based on Penalty Infringement Notices (PIN) total dollar value - Current
(issued within 12 months) available on the NSW Food Authority Name and
Shame website [6]


Your request has been processed informally under the Government
Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act). Any information not
available on the NSW Food Authority's website or provided above can be
compiled by Council.


However, due to the time it would take to compile this information, it is
not considered appropriate to release further information informally under
the GIPA Act. if you wish to proceed with your request, you will be
required to lodge a formal application under the GIPA Act and pay the $30
application fee. Further processing fees of $30 may apply. The form is
available from Council's website at




Anne Merle | Legal and Information Officer

Legal and Governance | Corporate Services

Newcastle City Council

Phone: +61 2 4974 2435 | Fax: +61 2 4974 2303 | [mobile number]

Email: [8][email address]

Web: [9]

Our Corporate Values: Cooperation | Respect | Excellence | Wellbeing



Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[10][FOI #2488 email]


This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:



If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.






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and may contain private, confidential or legally privileged information as
well as copyright material. Newcastle City Council does not waive any
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be copied, printed, distributed or adapted without Council’s consent. If
you are not the intended recipient you must not reproduce or distribute
any part of this email, disclose its contents to any other party, or take
any action in reliance on it. If you have received this email in error,
please contact the sender immediately and delete the message from your

This email does not constitute a representation by the Newcastle City
Council unless the author is legally entitled to do so. Any email message
sent or received by Newcastle Council may need to be disclosed by the
Council under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access)
Act 2009 (NSW). Any email message sent or received by Council may be saved
in Council’s Electronic Document Management System.

This email and any attachments have been virus scanned however Newcastle
City Council does not represent or warrant that this communication is
secure and free from computer viruses or other defects and will not affect
your computer. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage resulting
from a computer virus, or resulting from a delay or defect in transmission
of this email or any attached file. This notice should not be amended or



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10. mailto:[FOI #2488 email]

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Nigel Gladstone

Dear Anne Merle,

Thanks very much for this information.

Yours sincerely,

Nigel Gladstone