FOI Delegations - 2016
Dear Australian National Audit Office,
Can I please have a copy of the current FOI Delegations, and any related directions issued in respect of FOI.
I believe this information could be considered "operational information" so I therefore request release under the IPS, or under Administrative Access.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Fairless
Dear Mr Fairless
The role of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) is to provide the Parliament with an independent assessment of selected areas of public administration and assurance about public sector financial reporting, administration and accountability. We do this primarily by conducting financial statement audits, performance audits and assurance reviews of Commonwealth Government entities.
The ANAO is unable to process your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act), as under schedule 2 of the FOI Act the Auditor-General is listed as an ‘Exempt agency’ and on the basis that the ANAO is not an entity to which the FOI Act applies. The exemption applies to the discharge of the Auditor-General’s audit function and the administration of the ANAO.
Peta Martyn
Professional Services and Relationships Group
Australian National Audit Office