FOI application form to access information about a prisoner incustody

McMahon & Co made this Freedom of Information request to SA Department for Correctional Services

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by SA Department for Correctional Services.

McMahon & Co

Dear SA Department for Correctional Services,

We need to make an application under Freedom of Information to the Manager DCS FOI to obtain a copy of a home detention evaluation report regarding one of our clients who is currently in the Adelaide Pre-Release Centre. Yatala Prison have advised we need to contact you for the form. Your earliest attention would be appreciated.

Thank you

Yours faithfully,
Jude Searle
McMahon & Co Barristers & Solicitors

Phone: 82320774

DCS:DCSCEN, SA Department for Correctional Services

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Department for Correctional Services
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DCS:Release of Information, SA Department for Correctional Services

2 Attachments

Good morning


Thank you for your recent enquiry to the Department for Correctional
Services (DCS) Freedom of Information (FOI) Unit.


To request access documents held by DCS, you would need to submit an FOI
application. An FOI application form is attached for your reference.


For an FOI application to be valid in accordance with section 13(c) of the
FOI Act (below) it would need to be accompanied by the current FOI
application fee of $33.50 as prescribed by the [1]Freedom of Information
Fees and Charges (Regulations) 2003. DCS may levy further charges in
relation to the processing of an FOI application; however, you would be
advised in advance if this were to occur. Should you wish to apply for a
fee waiver on the grounds of financial hardship, you would need to supply
documentary evidence of your inability to pay, such as a photocopy of both
sides of a current benefit/concession card with your application. Please
note that at this time, DCS only has the ability to accept payment via
cheque or money order, which should be made out to the Department.


Please note that the FOI Act provides an agency with 30 calendar days in
which to determine an FOI application. Should the due date need to be
extended, you would be advised of this in advance and of the reason/s for
the extension.


If you are requesting a fee waiver, your application and a photocopy of
both sides of your current concession card can be emailed to:
[2][email address]


If you are not requesting a fee waiver, your application and cheque/money
order can be posted to DCS’ forwarding address:


Freedom of Information

Department for Correctional Services

C/- GPO Box 1747



Please feel free to contact this office via return email should you have
any queries regarding the above.


Kind regards,


Freedom of Information Officer

Governance & Executive Support | Department for Correctional Services

P: (08) 8226 9027 | F: (08) 8226 9226


This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally
privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or
copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the
sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about
the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It
is the recipient's responsibility to check the email and any attached
files for viruses





-----Original Message-----

From: McMahon & Co
[[3]mailto:[FOI #3483 email]]

Sent: Thursday, 11 May 2017 1:55 PM


Subject: Freedom of Information request - FOI application form to access
information about a prisoner incustody


Dear SA Department for Correctional Services,


We need to make an application under Freedom of Information  to the
Manager DCS FOI to obtain a copy of a home detention evaluation report
regarding one of our clients who is currently in the Adelaide Pre-Release
Centre.  Yatala Prison have advised we need to contact you for the form. 
Your earliest attention  would be appreciated. 


Thank you


Yours faithfully,

Jude Searle

McMahon & Co Barristers & Solicitors


Phone: 82320774




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[4][FOI #3483 email]


Is [5][SA Department for Correctional Services request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to SA Department for Correctional Services? If so, please contact us using
this form:



This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:



If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.






Visible links
1. file:///C:\Users\cadlst\Desktop\FOI%20Fees%20&%20Charges%20(Regulations)%202003.pdf
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[FOI #3483 email]
4. mailto:[FOI #3483 email]
5. mailto:[SA Department for Correctional Services request email]

hide quoted sections

DCS:Release of Information, SA Department for Correctional Services

2 Attachments

Good afternoon


Thank you for your recent enquiry to the Department for Correctional
Services (DCS) Freedom of Information (FOI) Unit.


To request access documents held by DCS, you would need to submit an FOI
application. An FOI application form is attached for your reference.


For an FOI application to be valid in accordance with section 13(c) of the
FOI Act (below) it would need to be accompanied by the current FOI
application fee of $33.50 as prescribed by the [1]Freedom of Information
Fees and Charges (Regulations) 2003. DCS may levy further charges in
relation to the processing of an FOI application; however, you would be
advised in advance if this were to occur. Should you wish to apply for a
fee waiver on the grounds of financial hardship, you would need to supply
documentary evidence of your inability to pay, such as a photocopy of both
sides of a current benefit/concession card with your application. Please
note that at this time, DCS only has the ability to accept payment via
cheque or money order, which should be made out to the Department.


Please note that the FOI Act provides an agency with 30 calendar days in
which to determine an FOI application. Should the due date need to be
extended, you would be advised of this in advance and of the reason/s for
the extension.


If you are requesting a fee waiver, your application and a photocopy of
both sides of your current concession card can be emailed to:
[2][email address]


If you are not requesting a fee waiver, your application and cheque/money
order can be posted to DCS’ forwarding address:


Freedom of Information

Department for Correctional Services

C/- GPO Box 1747



Please feel free to contact this office via return email should you have
any queries regarding the above.


Kind regards,


Freedom of Information Officer

Governance & Executive Support | Department for Correctional Services

P: (08) 8226 9027 | F: (08) 8226 9226


This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally
privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or
copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the
sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about
the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It
is the recipient's responsibility to check the email and any attached
files for viruses





-----Original Message-----

From: McMahon & Co
[[3]mailto:[FOI #3483 email]]

Sent: Thursday, 11 May 2017 1:55 PM


Subject: Freedom of Information request - FOI application form to access
information about a prisoner incustody


Dear SA Department for Correctional Services,


We need to make an application under Freedom of Information  to the
Manager DCS FOI to obtain a copy of a home detention evaluation report
regarding one of our clients who is currently in the Adelaide Pre-Release
Centre.  Yatala Prison have advised we need to contact you for the form. 
Your earliest attention  would be appreciated. 


Thank you


Yours faithfully,

Jude Searle

McMahon & Co Barristers & Solicitors


Phone: 82320774




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[4][FOI #3483 email]


Is [5][SA Department for Correctional Services request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to SA Department for Correctional Services? If so, please contact us using
this form:



This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:



If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.






Visible links
1. file:///C:\Users\cadlst\Desktop\FOI%20Fees%20&%20Charges%20(Regulations)%202003.pdf
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[FOI #3483 email]
4. mailto:[FOI #3483 email]
5. mailto:[SA Department for Correctional Services request email]

hide quoted sections

Dear DCS:Release of Information,

Please cancel our request.

Yours sincerely,

McMahon & Co

DCS:Release of Information, SA Department for Correctional Services

Thank you for your enquiry. 


This email account is not monitored outside the hours of 9:00 and 5:00
Monday to Friday, and at no time on Saturdays, Sundays and Public


While we endeavour to reply within the requested time, if you have not
received a response within 5 working days please give us a call on 8226


Governance & Executive Support

Department for Correctional Services

[email address]


Locutus Sum left an annotation ()

The applicant has cancelled the request but did not mark it on Right to Know as "withdrawn". I have marked it as refused because this is the best available option.