Fires at Bayside Council Premises 179-183 Russell Avenue Dolls Point Le Beach Hut Restaurant & Coffee In The Park

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Bayside City Council (NSW) should normally have responded promptly and by (details)

Dear Bayside City Council (NSW),

Please provide all information on the media reported major FIRES at Bayside Council Premises 179 -183 Russell Avenue Dolls Point On Peter Depena Public Recreation Reserve RE1 Crown Land

Le Beach Hut Restaurant
Coffee In The Park

The media The Leader Newspaper, SMH, Telegraph & Nine News stated the numerous major fires at the Council Premises where suspected arson and they caused significant damage.

What was the cause of the numerous major fires. Was it illegal Fireworks or was it deliberately lit or a technical or other accident with the premises?

What was the damage from the numerous major fires?

What was the cost to Council ratepayers of the numerous major fires?

What was the result of council and other insurance investigations and was anyone charged by Police in regards to the fires?

Was anyone harmed by the fires?

What Rockdale & Bayside Council minutes & meetings records are available?

Yours faithfully,

Better Bayside