Feedback about BOM Weather iOS app
Dear Bureau of Meteorology,
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide feedback.
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI Request.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Fairless
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. We refer to and acknowledge receipt of your email dated 21 February
2024 to the Bureau of Meteorology ('the Bureau'), in which you request
access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
(‘FOI Act’). You wrote:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(We refer this access request as 'your request'.)
2. We apologise for our delay in responding to your email. We are
presently assessing your request.
Request for your agreement to extend time to deal with your request:
3. We received your request on 21 February 2024.
4. The FOI Act provides a 30-day statutory timeframe for dealing with
this request. This means a decision on your request is currently due
by 22 March 2024.
5. However, the Bureau is currently dealing with a number of FOI matters
and we seek your agreement, pursuant to s 15AA of the FOI Act, to
extend the time for dealing with your request by 30 calendar days. As
the 30-day extension concludes on a weekend, the Bureau would have
until the following business day to respond to your request. This
means a decision would be due by 22 April 2024.
Request for your response:
6. We would be grateful if you could please respond by reply email by 12
pm on Friday 8 March 2024 regarding whether you agree to the
additional time described at paragraph [5] above.
7. We look forward to receiving your response. Again, we apologise for
our delay.
Freedom of Information
[1][BOM request email] | [2]
[3]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[4]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [5]Twitter icon. Link to
Bureau Twitter account. [6]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [7]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [8]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn profile. [9]Stylised
synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[10]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[11]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
Dear FOI,
Would you be open to a 15 day extension by consent, we can then look at where the request is up to and extend further if needed?
Yours sincerely,
Ben Fairless
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. Thank you for your email on 7 March 2024 (below), in which you appear
to agree to an extension of 15 days to process your formal FOI access
request. Could you kindly please confirm if our understanding is
Administrative release arrangement option:
1. In your email on 21 February 2024, you made the following FOI request:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(As previously noted, we refer to this as 'your request'.)
2. Your request covers a '12 months' period of documents containing 'all
feedback' and 'any correspondence within the bureau about this
feedback'. Although you exclude some information, we believe your
request is very broad in scope. On our current assessment, your
request appears likely to cover a large amount of materials within the
'12 months' period that either contains 'feedback' or is
'correspondence' about feedback.
3. Where reasonable, the Bureau provides FOI applicants an opportunity to
access documents under an administrative release arrangement. This
means documents would be provided to you directly, in exchange for the
withdrawal of your FOI request.
4. The Bureau can provide a list of feedback as gathered by the iOS BOM
Weather app feedback form across a 6-months period between 1 June 2023
– 1 January 2024 (inclusive), noting:
a. the feedback system allows people to provide feedback as a text
and/or a number rating. Some 'feedback' received by the Bureau
consist of only a number rating with no text. The document we
propose providing you will contain all types of 'feedback' within
the 6-months period;
b. that the material we propose providing you may contain feedback
that is already publicly accessible, such as on the 'Apple app
([1] and
c. the names and contact details of staff members and any third
parties will be excluded from the material.
Your response
5. If you would like to accept this offer in exchange for withdrawing
your formal FOI request, please respond by reply email by close of
business on Tuesday 12 March 2024. Please note that agreeing to this
administrative access proposal would not prevent you from making any
future request under the FOI Act.
6. We look forward to receiving your response.
Freedom of Information
[2][BOM request email] | [3]
[4]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[5]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [6]Twitter icon. Link to
Bureau Twitter account. [7]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [8]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [9]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn profile. [10]Stylised
synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[11]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[12]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. We refer to you our email to you on 7 March 2024 (below).
Your agreement to additional time:
2. In your email dated 7 March 2024, you appear to agree to an extension
of 15 days to process your formal FOI access request. However, we are
uncertain whether that is the case.
3. Could you kindly please confirm by reply email regarding whether you
agree to an extension of 15-days pursuant to s 15AA.
Administrative release arrangement option:
4. In your email on 21 February 2024, you made the following FOI request:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(As previously noted, we refer to this as 'your request'.)
5. Your request covers a '12 months' period of documents containing 'all
feedback' and 'any correspondence within the bureau about this
feedback'. Although you exclude some information, we believe your
request is very broad in scope. On our current assessment, your
request appears likely to cover a large amount of materials within the
'12 months' period that either contains 'feedback' or is
'correspondence' about feedback.
6. Where reasonable, the Bureau provides FOI applicants an opportunity to
access documents under an administrative release arrangement. This
means documents would be provided to you directly, in exchange for the
withdrawal of your FOI request.
7. Further, as previously noted, your agreement to this administrative
access proposal would not prevent you from making any future request
under the FOI Act.
8. The Bureau can provide a list of feedback as gathered by the iOS BOM
Weather app feedback form across a 6-months period between 1 June 2023
– 1 January 2024 (inclusive), noting:
a. the feedback system allows people to provide feedback as a text
and/or a number rating. Some 'feedback' received by the Bureau
consist of only a number rating with no text. The document we propose
providing you will contain all types of 'feedback' within the
6-months period;
b. that the material we propose providing you may contain feedback that
is already publicly accessible, such as on the 'Apple app store'
([1] and
c. the names and contact details of staff members and any third parties
will be excluded from the material.
9. We kindly ask you to notify us about whether you agree to this
administrative access offer by reply email by close of business on
Wednesday 14 March 2024.
Your response:
10. Could you kindly please confirm by reply email by close of business on
Wednesday 14 March 2024 regarding:
d. Whether you agree to a 15-days extension pursuant to s 15AA.
e. Whether you would like to accept this offer in exchange for
withdrawing your formal FOI request.
11. Your response as soon as possible will assist the Bureau in processing
your matter as promptly as possible.
12. We look forward to receiving your response.
Freedom of Information
[2][BOM request email] | [3]
[4]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[5]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [6]Twitter icon. Link to
Bureau Twitter account. [7]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [8]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [9]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn profile. [10]Stylised
synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[11]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[12]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
From: FOI <[BOM request email]>
Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2024 10:12 AM
To: [FOI #11151 email]
Cc: FOI <[BOM request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Feedback about BOM Weather
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. Thank you for your email on 7 March 2024 (below), in which you appear
to agree to an extension of 15 days to process your formal FOI access
request. Could you kindly please confirm if our understanding is
Administrative release arrangement option:
1. In your email on 21 February 2024, you made the following FOI request:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(As previously noted, we refer to this as 'your request'.)
2. Your request covers a '12 months' period of documents containing 'all
feedback' and 'any correspondence within the bureau about this
feedback'. Although you exclude some information, we believe your
request is very broad in scope. On our current assessment, your
request appears likely to cover a large amount of materials within the
'12 months' period that either contains 'feedback' or is
'correspondence' about feedback.
3. Where reasonable, the Bureau provides FOI applicants an opportunity to
access documents under an administrative release arrangement. This
means documents would be provided to you directly, in exchange for the
withdrawal of your FOI request.
4. The Bureau can provide a list of feedback as gathered by the iOS BOM
Weather app feedback form across a 6-months period between 1 June 2023
– 1 January 2024 (inclusive), noting:
a. the feedback system allows people to provide feedback as a text
and/or a number rating. Some 'feedback' received by the Bureau
consist of only a number rating with no text. The document we
propose providing you will contain all types of 'feedback' within
the 6-months period;
b. that the material we propose providing you may contain feedback
that is already publicly accessible, such as on the 'Apple app
([13] and
c. the names and contact details of staff members and any third
parties will be excluded from the material.
Your response
5. If you would like to accept this offer in exchange for withdrawing
your formal FOI request, please respond by reply email by close of
business on Tuesday 12 March 2024. Please note that agreeing to this
administrative access proposal would not prevent you from making any
future request under the FOI Act.
6. We look forward to receiving your response.
Freedom of Information
[14][BOM request email] | [15]
[16]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[17]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [18]Twitter icon. Link
to Bureau Twitter account. [19]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [20]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [21]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn
profile. [22]Stylised synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[23]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[24]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
Dear Ben Fairless
Please find attached a notice of intention to refuse access on practical
As set out in the attached notice, please respond within 14 days – if we
do not hear from your during this time, your request will be taken as
Please contact us at [1][BOM request email]
Kind regards
Freedom of Information & Privacy
Bureau of Meteorology
From: FOI <[BOM request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 11:57 AM
To: [FOI #11151 email]
Cc: FOI <[BOM request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Feedback about BOM Weather
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. We refer to you our email to you on 7 March 2024 (below).
Your agreement to additional time:
2. In your email dated 7 March 2024, you appear to agree to an extension
of 15 days to process your formal FOI access request. However, we are
uncertain whether that is the case.
3. Could you kindly please confirm by reply email regarding whether you
agree to an extension of 15-days pursuant to s 15AA.
Administrative release arrangement option:
4. In your email on 21 February 2024, you made the following FOI request:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(As previously noted, we refer to this as 'your request'.)
5. Your request covers a '12 months' period of documents containing 'all
feedback' and 'any correspondence within the bureau about this
feedback'. Although you exclude some information, we believe your
request is very broad in scope. On our current assessment, your
request appears likely to cover a large amount of materials within the
'12 months' period that either contains 'feedback' or is
'correspondence' about feedback.
6. Where reasonable, the Bureau provides FOI applicants an opportunity to
access documents under an administrative release arrangement. This
means documents would be provided to you directly, in exchange for the
withdrawal of your FOI request.
7. Further, as previously noted, your agreement to this administrative
access proposal would not prevent you from making any future request
under the FOI Act.
8. The Bureau can provide a list of feedback as gathered by the iOS BOM
Weather app feedback form across a 6-months period between 1 June 2023
– 1 January 2024 (inclusive), noting:
a. the feedback system allows people to provide feedback as a text
and/or a number rating. Some 'feedback' received by the Bureau
consist of only a number rating with no text. The document we propose
providing you will contain all types of 'feedback' within the
6-months period;
b. that the material we propose providing you may contain feedback that
is already publicly accessible, such as on the 'Apple app store'
([2] and
c. the names and contact details of staff members and any third parties
will be excluded from the material.
9. We kindly ask you to notify us about whether you agree to this
administrative access offer by reply email by close of business on
Wednesday 14 March 2024.
Your response:
10. Could you kindly please confirm by reply email by close of business on
Wednesday 14 March 2024 regarding:
d. Whether you agree to a 15-days extension pursuant to s 15AA.
e. Whether you would like to accept this offer in exchange for
withdrawing your formal FOI request.
11. Your response as soon as possible will assist the Bureau in processing
your matter as promptly as possible.
12. We look forward to receiving your response.
Freedom of Information
[3][BOM request email] | [4]
[5]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[6]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [7]Twitter icon. Link to
Bureau Twitter account. [8]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [9]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [10]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn
profile. [11]Stylised synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[12]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[13]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
From: FOI <[14][BOM request email]>
Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2024 10:12 AM
To: [15][FOI #11151 email]
Cc: FOI <[16][BOM request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Feedback about BOM Weather
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. Thank you for your email on 7 March 2024 (below), in which you appear
to agree to an extension of 15 days to process your formal FOI access
request. Could you kindly please confirm if our understanding is
Administrative release arrangement option:
1. In your email on 21 February 2024, you made the following FOI request:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(As previously noted, we refer to this as 'your request'.)
2. Your request covers a '12 months' period of documents containing 'all
feedback' and 'any correspondence within the bureau about this
feedback'. Although you exclude some information, we believe your
request is very broad in scope. On our current assessment, your
request appears likely to cover a large amount of materials within the
'12 months' period that either contains 'feedback' or is
'correspondence' about feedback.
3. Where reasonable, the Bureau provides FOI applicants an opportunity to
access documents under an administrative release arrangement. This
means documents would be provided to you directly, in exchange for the
withdrawal of your FOI request.
4. The Bureau can provide a list of feedback as gathered by the iOS BOM
Weather app feedback form across a 6-months period between 1 June 2023
– 1 January 2024 (inclusive), noting:
a. the feedback system allows people to provide feedback as a text
and/or a number rating. Some 'feedback' received by the Bureau
consist of only a number rating with no text. The document we
propose providing you will contain all types of 'feedback' within
the 6-months period;
b. that the material we propose providing you may contain feedback
that is already publicly accessible, such as on the 'Apple app
([17] and
c. the names and contact details of staff members and any third
parties will be excluded from the material.
Your response
5. If you would like to accept this offer in exchange for withdrawing
your formal FOI request, please respond by reply email by close of
business on Tuesday 12 March 2024. Please note that agreeing to this
administrative access proposal would not prevent you from making any
future request under the FOI Act.
6. We look forward to receiving your response.
Freedom of Information
[18][BOM request email] | [19]
[20]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[21]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [22]Twitter icon. Link
to Bureau Twitter account. [23]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [24]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [25]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn
profile. [26]Stylised synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[27]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[28]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. We refer to our email (and attached consultation notice) dated 20
March 2024, and our previous correspondences.
2. In sending you the consultation notice, the Bureau engaged you in a
'request consultation process' in relation to your request. As noted
in the Bureau's notice, you had an opportunity within the consultation
period of 14 days to let us know whether you take at least one of the
following steps set out in the consultation notice.
3. The Bureau's consultation notice further noted that if we do not hear
from you during the consultation period, your request will be taken to
have been withdrawn.
4. As we have not received any response from you, your request is now
taken as withdrawn and we will now close your FOI matter. Please note
however that this does not prevent you from making another request
under the FOI Act in the future.
5. The Bureau aims to provide accessible documents. If you need this
document in a different format, please contact [1][BOM request email].
6. If you have any questions in regard to this matter, please contact the
Bureau by reply email with the reference number (FOI30/129).
Freedom of Information
[2][BOM request email] | [3]
[4]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[5]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [6]Twitter icon. Link to
Bureau Twitter account. [7]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [8]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [9]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn profile. [10]Stylised
synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[11]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[12]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
From: FOI <[13][BOM request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 1:27 PM
To: [14][FOI #11151 email]
Cc: FOI <[15][BOM request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Feedback about BOM Weather
Dear Ben Fairless
Please find attached a notice of intention to refuse access on practical
As set out in the attached notice, please respond within 14 days – if we
do not hear from your during this time, your request will be taken as
Please contact us at [16][BOM request email]
Kind regards
Freedom of Information & Privacy
Bureau of Meteorology
From: FOI <[17][BOM request email]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 11:57 AM
To: [18][FOI #11151 email]
Cc: FOI <[19][BOM request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Feedback about BOM Weather
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. We refer to you our email to you on 7 March 2024 (below).
Your agreement to additional time:
2. In your email dated 7 March 2024, you appear to agree to an extension
of 15 days to process your formal FOI access request. However, we are
uncertain whether that is the case.
3. Could you kindly please confirm by reply email regarding whether you
agree to an extension of 15-days pursuant to s 15AA.
Administrative release arrangement option:
4. In your email on 21 February 2024, you made the following FOI request:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(As previously noted, we refer to this as 'your request'.)
5. Your request covers a '12 months' period of documents containing 'all
feedback' and 'any correspondence within the bureau about this
feedback'. Although you exclude some information, we believe your
request is very broad in scope. On our current assessment, your
request appears likely to cover a large amount of materials within the
'12 months' period that either contains 'feedback' or is
'correspondence' about feedback.
6. Where reasonable, the Bureau provides FOI applicants an opportunity to
access documents under an administrative release arrangement. This
means documents would be provided to you directly, in exchange for the
withdrawal of your FOI request.
7. Further, as previously noted, your agreement to this administrative
access proposal would not prevent you from making any future request
under the FOI Act.
8. The Bureau can provide a list of feedback as gathered by the iOS BOM
Weather app feedback form across a 6-months period between 1 June 2023
– 1 January 2024 (inclusive), noting:
a. the feedback system allows people to provide feedback as a text
and/or a number rating. Some 'feedback' received by the Bureau
consist of only a number rating with no text. The document we propose
providing you will contain all types of 'feedback' within the
6-months period;
b. that the material we propose providing you may contain feedback that
is already publicly accessible, such as on the 'Apple app store'
([20] and
c. the names and contact details of staff members and any third parties
will be excluded from the material.
9. We kindly ask you to notify us about whether you agree to this
administrative access offer by reply email by close of business on
Wednesday 14 March 2024.
Your response:
10. Could you kindly please confirm by reply email by close of business on
Wednesday 14 March 2024 regarding:
d. Whether you agree to a 15-days extension pursuant to s 15AA.
e. Whether you would like to accept this offer in exchange for
withdrawing your formal FOI request.
11. Your response as soon as possible will assist the Bureau in processing
your matter as promptly as possible.
12. We look forward to receiving your response.
Freedom of Information
[21][BOM request email] | [22]
[23]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[24]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [25]Twitter icon. Link
to Bureau Twitter account. [26]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [27]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [28]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn
profile. [29]Stylised synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[30]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[31]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.
From: FOI <[32][BOM request email]>
Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2024 10:12 AM
To: [33][FOI #11151 email]
Cc: FOI <[34][BOM request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Feedback about BOM Weather
Ref: FOI30/129
Dear Ben Fairless,
1. Thank you for your email on 7 March 2024 (below), in which you appear
to agree to an extension of 15 days to process your formal FOI access
request. Could you kindly please confirm if our understanding is
Administrative release arrangement option:
1. In your email on 21 February 2024, you made the following FOI request:
Within the official iOS BOM Weather app there Is the ability to provide
Is it possible to get a list of all feedback provided via this method, as
well as any correspondence within the bureau about this feedback?
I’m happy to limit my request to the last 12 months, and also agree to
redact personally identifiable information of both members of the public
and public servants.
Please consider processing this requested administratively outside of the
FOI Act. If you are unable to do so, please treat this as a formal FOI
(As previously noted, we refer to this as 'your request'.)
2. Your request covers a '12 months' period of documents containing 'all
feedback' and 'any correspondence within the bureau about this
feedback'. Although you exclude some information, we believe your
request is very broad in scope. On our current assessment, your
request appears likely to cover a large amount of materials within the
'12 months' period that either contains 'feedback' or is
'correspondence' about feedback.
3. Where reasonable, the Bureau provides FOI applicants an opportunity to
access documents under an administrative release arrangement. This
means documents would be provided to you directly, in exchange for the
withdrawal of your FOI request.
4. The Bureau can provide a list of feedback as gathered by the iOS BOM
Weather app feedback form across a 6-months period between 1 June 2023
– 1 January 2024 (inclusive), noting:
a. the feedback system allows people to provide feedback as a text
and/or a number rating. Some 'feedback' received by the Bureau
consist of only a number rating with no text. The document we
propose providing you will contain all types of 'feedback' within
the 6-months period;
b. that the material we propose providing you may contain feedback
that is already publicly accessible, such as on the 'Apple app
([35] and
c. the names and contact details of staff members and any third
parties will be excluded from the material.
Your response
5. If you would like to accept this offer in exchange for withdrawing
your formal FOI request, please respond by reply email by close of
business on Tuesday 12 March 2024. Please note that agreeing to this
administrative access proposal would not prevent you from making any
future request under the FOI Act.
6. We look forward to receiving your response.
Freedom of Information
[36][BOM request email] | [37]
[38]The Bureau of Meteorology logo. Text reads The Bureau of Meteorology.
Image is a stylised synoptic map of Australia.
[39]Facebook icon. Link to Bureau Facebook page. [40]Twitter icon. Link
to Bureau Twitter account. [41]YouTube icon. Link to Bureau YouTube
channel. [42]Instagram icon. Link to Bureau Instagram
account. [43]LinkedIn icon. Link to Bureau LinkedIn
profile. [44]Stylised synoptic map of Australia. Link to Bureau website,
[45]Aboriginal The Bureau of Meteorology acknowledges the Traditional
flag and Torres Custodians of Australia and their continuing connection to
Strait Islander land, sea and community.
Important: This message may contain confidential or legally privileged
information. If you think it was sent to you by mistake, please delete all
copies and advise the sender.
[46]Banner. Scrolling ticker style with the text The Bureau of severe
weather warning, the harvest and Meteorology.