FASEA Financial Adviser Examination Feedback & Results
Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
Re FASEA Financial Adviser Exam - Candidate ID FA232338 - Stuart John Paul
I have recently sat the FASEA Financial Adviser Exam & received a FAIL result. This effectively would end my career in financial services so I feel that the matter is of extreme importance to me.
I believe that I devoted as much time in preparation for the exam that would be reasonable to expect a full time professional to have available.
ASIC & FASEA are absolutely aware of the massive time & energy that financial advisers have been required to commit to changes which are occurring within the financial services field over the past 2 years - not to mention the added complexity that COVID has imposed on normal business operating procedures.
We are working people - not full time students yet I understand that the exam competency level has been pitched at University Credit level for assessment.
Having sat the 3.5 hour exam I believed I completed the questions adequately to attain a "pass" - not withstanding my computer / typing skills may not be as slick as some younger candidates.
The requests for detailed information regarding my result - in particular a copy of my responses to the exam questions have been denied with very general feedback related to the curriculum areas & reading materials provided. I have access to all of this detail through the comprehensive resources available on the FASEA website.
I need to know the specific result I achieved & the responses to each exam question as I remain very sceptical that I would not satisfy the standard required to "pass" this exam.
It has been noted that the "pass" rate for this exam was only 60% compared to the general pass rate in prior sittings of 80% - this seems a wide statistical anomaly if we can assume that the exams have been set at the same standard & the quality of candidates has been reasonably consistent through each sitting.
Yours faithfully,
Stuart Paul
Dear Mr Paul
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 20
September 2021.
Kind regards
Megan McKenna
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy, Chief Legal Office
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Level 5, 100 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 02 9911 5742 |
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Dear Mr Paul
Please find attached the decision on access for FOI 206-2021.
Kind regards
Megan McKenna
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy, Chief Legal Office
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Level 5, 100 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 02 9911 5742 |
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