Experiments conducted on children in 1973

Waiting for an internal review by SA Government Financing Authority of their handling of this request.

Karren Hazledine

Dear SA Government Financing Authority,
We understand your office is aware of experiments conducted on children at Salisbury North Junior Primary School in 1973 and beyond. There are photographs of children identified at school for those experiments. We know 5 year old children were subjected to a series of tests which are believed to be IQ tests.

We understand at least two parents were asked to sign consent forms, to participate in what was referred to as a fun project.

Please provide details of these experiments. The information can be provided privately

Yours faithfully,

Karren hazledine

Dear SA Government Financing Authority,

We are waiting on a response in regards to the social experiments which included IQ tests on 5 year old children in the 1970s.

Please provide details of these experiments including who funded the experiments, who received the information. Was the personal information of children sold and who was it sold too. When did the experiments begin and when did they end. Obviously the children are now adults and we have discovered the experiment continued in the workplace of one of your suppliers.

Please provide details of these experiments. We understand the information was shared with your auppliers. Please confirm who you shared the information with.

Yours faithfully,

Karren Hazledine