Executive Coaching for Directors at DTA
Dear Digital Transformation Agency,
Given the recent Digital Marketplace brief to undertake the services of an Executive Coach (https://marketplace.service.gov.au/2/dig...) to upskill and coach the senior executive team and their directors within a division at the DTA, I am requesting information on:
1. The process the DTA undertakes to recruit, promote or merit list directors (EL2)?
2. What is the classification (based on APS work level standards) of the persons making decisions about appointing directors at the DTA?
3. How many directors have been recruited between February 2018 to February 2021 that have been:
a. from outside of the DTA,
b. appointed internally at the DTA,
c. merit listed
Yours faithfully,
Katy Campbell
Good Afternoon Katy
Thank you for your email.
Could you please call me to discuss your request for information?
My direct contact details are available from the attachment.
Hi Katy
Could you please call me to discuss your request on 02 6120 8595.
Suzie Sazdanovic
DTA Privacy and FOI Manager
Good morning Katy Campbell
DTA has made several attempts to contact you, to discuss the scope of your request, without success.
We wish to inform you that your request, in its current form, does not meet the requirements of the FOI Act.
This is because you have asked for information relating to your specified questions. The FOI Act does not provide for a right to request that the department answers questions, rather it provides a right to access documents held by the department. For this reason, your request is not currently valid.
How to make a valid FOI request
To be able to process your application, your request must be:
• in writing;
• state that the request in an application for the purposes of the FOI Act;
• provide information about the documents to assist us to process your request; and
• provide an address for reply.
If you would like to proceed please reply specifying what documents you require and that your request is under the FOI Act.
If you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me on 02 6120 8595
Suzie Sazdanovic
Privacy and FOI Manager