Evidence giving Civil Proceedings Acts, Jurisdiction over Common Law, law of the land and human beings.

Dean Miles made this Right to Information request to Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Dean Miles, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions,

Good morning, my Freedom of Information Request, is for EVIDENCE to be Produced, including those involved in drafting Instruments, directly related to Civil Procedings Acts, that gives JURISDICTION over the people, naturally born, with God, Mother and Father as their creator.

I do not seek Information relevant to other legislation, that PURPORT's the meaning of person to include: eg Corporation, Entity, Body Politic, Body Corp, Legal personality, YOU, Individual, Citizen, Customer

Yours faithfully,

Dean Miles

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

Thank you for your email which has been received by Right to Information
(RTI) and Privacy, Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG). 

Please note DJAG is unable to accept payment of credit card details via
telephone, fax or email, including PDF attachments. If an email is
received with credit card details, it will be deleted immediately, and
your application will not be processed. This is in accordance with the
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.   

Please note:  

For all queries relating to information held by the Queensland Police
Service, please contact their Right to Information and Privacy office on
(07) 3364 4666 or via email to [1][email address].   


For all queries relating to information held by Queensland Corrective
Services, please contact their Right to Information and Privacy office on
(07) 3565 7698, via email at [2][email address] or by post
to Queensland Corrective Services, RTI and Privacy Group, GPO Box 1054,
Brisbane QLD 4001.   


For all queries relating to information held by the Queensland Civil and
Administrative Tribunal (QCAT), please contact the Tribunal registry in
the first instance on 1300 753 228.   

Right to Information Act / Information Privacy Act Applications

If you are making an application to DJAG under either the Information
Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) or the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) a
member of RTI and Privacy will respond in writing acknowledging receipt of
your application and advising how the application will proceed, and any
further actions that may be required by you.

Once your application is valid (meaning that all of the requirements for a
valid application under the legislation have been met) you will be
notified in writing and the statutory time-frame for processing a decision
(25 business days) will commence, however this may be extended. If this
occurs an officer from RTI and Privacy will contact you.

RTI and Privacy is able to assist you with information regarding the
procedural steps to lodge an application under the RTI Act or the IP Act
with DJAG for documents in its possession or control. However, the RTI and
IP process is not designed to answer questions. If you are seeking answers
to questions, and not documents, you might consider contacting the
business unit in DJAG responsible for the subject matter of your questions

Processing your application may take some time to be finalised due to the
impacts on resourcing as a result of the current Coronavirus. RTI and
Privacy will continue to update you on the status of your application as
it progresses.


RTI and Privacy does not provide legal advice.

Other government contacts

Should you wish to lodge an application with another Queensland government
agency please [3]contact their Right to Information and Privacy Unit, as
we are unable to comment on their processes or what records they may
potentially hold.

Should you require general advice regarding lodging applications or
further information about RTI or IP you may wish to contact the Queensland
Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) by email at: 
[4][email address], by telephone: (07) 3234 7373 or their
website: [5]https://www.oic.qld.gov.au.

If your application relates to the records of either a Commonwealth
Government agency or large company, neither of which are covered by
Queensland right to information and privacy legislation  you may wish to
contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner(OAIC) by
email at: [6][email address], by telephone : 1300 363 992 or their
website: [7]https://www.oaic.gov.au.

Credit Card Payments

RTI and Privacy will not accept credit card details by fax or email,
including PDF attachments.  If an email is received with credit card
details, it will be deleted immediately and your form will not be
processed.  This is in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standard.

Kind regards,


Right to Information and Privacy

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. [email address]
mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
3. https://www.rti.qld.gov.au/rti-ip-agency...
4. mailto:[email address]
5. https://www.oic.qld.gov.au/
6. mailto:[email address]
7. https://www.oaic.gov.au/

Dear Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions,

Thank you for your reply, can you please confirm

1) Do you need a written request on the correct form RTI either FOI please before anything occurs?

2) It is not legal advice, or a questions as I am only interested in sections of legislations Local State & Federal legislation of Civil Procedures, Civil Proceedings that CONFIRMS it Lawfully applies to Human Beings.

3) I am not seeking legislation references that purport to the words YOU, Individual, Citizen, Customer, Person being Body Politic, Body Corp, Legal Personality, Entity, Corporation. ONLY a live born human being flesh and blood.

(1) In any Act, expressions used to denote persons generally (such as "person", "party", "someone", "anyone", "no-one", "one", "another" and "whoever"), include a body politic or corporate as well as an individual.
http://classic.austlii.edu.au › legis › cth
ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT 1901 - SECT 2C References to persons

Yours faithfully,

Dean Miles

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

RTI and Privacy will be closed for the Easter break from Friday 15 April
2022 and reopening at 8.30am on Tuesday 19 April 2022.  

show quoted sections

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

3 Attachments

Good morning Mr Miles


Please find attached correspondence in relation to your access application
under the Right to Information Act 2009.


Kind Regards


[1]image003Belinda Zieth

Principal Executive Officer 

Right to Information and Privacy

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

5 Attachments

Good morning Mr Miles


My apologies, but I omitted to attach a Right to Information and
Information Privacy Access Application form to my previous email.


Kind Regards


[1]image003Belinda Zieth

Principal Executive Officer 

Right to Information and Privacy

Department of Justice and Attorney-General


GPO Box 149, BRISBANE Qld 4001

P: 07 3738 9892  E: [2][email address]

                    DRAFT YOUR OWN PRIVACY STATEMENT by using



From: RTI Administration
Sent: Thursday, 21 April 2022 9:25 AM
To: [FOI #8748 email]
Subject: 220383 - Invalid Letter


Good morning Mr Miles


Please find attached correspondence in relation to your access application
under the Right to Information Act 2009.


Kind Regards


[4]image003Belinda Zieth

Principal Executive Officer 

Right to Information and Privacy

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

4 Attachments

Good morning Mr Miles


Please find attached correspondence in relation to your access application
under the Right to Information Act 2009.


Kind Regards


[1]image003Belinda Zieth

Principal Executive Officer 

Right to Information and Privacy

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

4 Attachments

Good morning Mr Miles


Please find attached correspondence in relation to your access application
under the Right to Information Act 2009.


Kind Regards


[1]image003Belinda Zieth

Principal Executive Officer 

Right to Information and Privacy

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections

Dear RTI Administration,

I thank you kindly for your reply. Further information I have obtained shows the United Kingdom Chronological Table of Statutes 1235 - 2009 has evidence the Constitution of Victoria 1855 remains WHOLLY IN FORCE, NEVER REPEALED in Conflict to claims 1975 Constitution 1855 REPEALED WHOLE ACT.
Mirror legislation held in the Records Office United Kingdom of Constitution of Victoria Act 1855 is NOT AN ORIGINAL INSTRUMENT. The copy held also is not signed by Her Majesty Queen Victoria or bears GREAT SEAL of Her Majesty.

Thus further enforcing Judgement by His Honour High Court of Australia 2000, Moeliker v Chapman whereas the Office of Governor of Queensland RECONSTITUTED UNDER THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Thus Australia Act 1986 is void and repugnant to Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK.

As the Chronological Table of Statutes United Kingdom has no entry of the Constitution of Queensland Colony of Moreton, which Act grants powers to the Judiciary to make orders that enforce Qld Police to use force in Warrant of Possession issued by Magistrate Court?

22 April 2003 Archivist response to another enquiry. QUOTE
"According to the Chronological Table of Statutes, the Victorian Constitution Act 1855 (18 & 19 Vic c.55) is still WHOLLY IN FORCE. There is not any mention of a partial repeal."

Why do the Governments in Australia continue to use the Parliament to deprive the people, deny remedy at the Common Law continuing to defy the Parliament and use the men and women under Oath as Peace Officers as cannon fodder?

Yours sincerely,

Dean Miles

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

Thank you for your email which has been received by Right to Information
(RTI) and Privacy, Department of Justice and Attorney-General.  If you
have tried to contact us via telephone, please note we are experiencing
issues at the moment.   


Please note:  For all queries relating to information held by the
Queensland Police Service, please contact their Right to Information and
Privacy office on (07) 3364 4666.   


For all queries relating to information held by Queensland Corrective
Services, please contact their Right to Information and Privacy office on
(07) 3565 7698, via email at [1][email address] or by post
to Queensland Corrective Services, RTI and Privacy Group, GPO Box 1054,
Brisbane QLD 4001.   


For all queries relating to information held by the Queensland Civil and
Administrative Tribunal, please contact the Tribunal registry on 1300 753

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions,

I must congratulate everyone at the DPP to remember so many changes in law.

Accept my apologies, I'll endeavour to have it reworded in another acceptable form. Thank you again

Yours faithfully,

Dean Miles

Dear Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions,

Thank you for assisting

Yours faithfully,

Dean Miles

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

3 Attachments

Good morning


Please find attached correspondence concerning your recent application.


Kind Regards




[1]image003Deborah Wilson

Senior Administration Officer

Right to Information and Privacy, Strategic Policy and Legal Services

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

3 Attachments

Good morning


Please find attached correspondence concerning your recent application.


Kind Regards




[1]image003Deborah Wilson

Senior Administration Officer

Right to Information and Privacy, Strategic Policy and Legal Services

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections

RTI Administration, Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions

3 Attachments

Good morning


Please find attached correspondence concerning your recent application.


Kind Regards




[1]image003Deborah Wilson

Senior Administration Officer

Right to Information and Privacy, Strategic Policy and Legal Services

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

show quoted sections