Environmental Health service workload information
Dear Blacktown City Council,
Could you please provide the following workload information for Environmental Health covering the latest possible annual reporting period:
Number of Fixed Food premises (high, medium, low)
Number of Mobile Food businesses
Number of Temporary Food businesses
Number of Single Incident Investigations conducted
Number of Outbreaks investigated
Number of Food Complaints investigated
*NOTE - NSWFA have advised to obtain this information from Council
Number of Skin Penetration businesses
Number of Shared Accommodation premises
Number of Onsite Wastewater Permits Issued
Number of Onsite Wastewater inspections conducted
Number of Sewer overflows investigated
Number of Water Quality monitoring samples
Number of Pool Water samples
Number of Cooling Tower inspections/assessments
Number of Noise, Odour/Air, Asbestos, Clan Labs, Hoarding/Squalor complaints investigated
Number of Pest complaints investigated
Number of DA referral responses
Number of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks assessments/inspections conducted
Yours faithfully,
Sean La Fontaine
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If your e-mail relates to an urgent service request please contact
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[1]Description: cid:image001.png@01D45644.391613A0
Blacktown City Council
Po Box 63 Flushcombe Road Blacktown NSW 2148
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(our ref: GIPA18/2297)
Dear Sir / Madam,
Thank you for your email request for information received 14 November 2018.
We have reviewed the items mentioned below and attach a redacted response from our Environmental Health Officers which responds to the questions raised.
In consulting with our internal departments the following requests should be referred to other external agencies;
* Number of outbreaks investigated (for the NSW Food Authority)
* Number of water quality monitoring samples (for Sydney Water)
I trust that the information provided will assist you.
Miriam Filiai
Governance Information Officer
9839 6431
[email address]
PO Box 63 Blacktown NSW 2148
Dear Miriam Filiai,
Thanks for providing the information requested.
Yours sincerely,
Sean La Fontaine