Emails by [Name Removed at the request of the Department]
To whom it may concern,
Can the department release emails written by staff members of '[Name Removed at the request of the Department]' during delivery of incubator support programs?
I am interested in emails written between two meetings found here ( First meeting is on 31/10/19 and second meeting is on 11/12/19.
This document ( posted earlier by Mr Jakota on the Right To Know Website is apparently published somewhere by a department agency. The document says that it is OK for 'incubators' to hire staff to deliver grants for other 'incubators'? Excuse me for saying but this is bizarre.
Is [Name Removed at the request of the Department] an actual accelerator and do accelerators apply for the incubator grants?
Alby P.
Dear Alby
We refer to your correspondence (attached) to the Department of Industry,
Science, Energy and Resources (the department) regarding access to
documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).
Your request in its current form does not constitute a valid request. To
request documents under the FOI Act you must:
· submit a request in writing stating that you’re requesting
documents under the FOI Act
· provide enough detail so we can identify the correct documents,
ie. specific details regarding the emails you are seeking
· a request cannot be submitted in the form of a question
Please refer to our website for further information:
Accordingly, no further action will be taken in relation to your request.
Should you have further queries, please contact the FOI team at
[2][Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources request email].
Kind regards
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
Right to Know has been contacted by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources in relation to this request.
We have hidden the names of a company at the request of the Department after assessing the public interest in the name of the company remaining visible.
We feel that it's appropriate for the contents of the request to remain, however have agreed with the Department to hide the names in question.
Any questions in relation to this should be directed to
Alby P. left an annotation ()
I have created a new application phrased as a statement.