Elegabillity for paying taxation of The Magistrates Courts.
Dear Court Services Victoria,
Could you please provide evidence of the responsibility's of the Magistrates Courts within Victoria to operate as a business or corporation. In particular as sums of money are taken in, surly there must be a means of the Magistrates Courts to be held accountable for the payment of taxes. Where is this entity (The Magistrates Courts) registered for business and what is their ABN?.
Yours faithfully,
Glenn Hughes.
Dear Mr Hughes
Court Services Victoria (CSV) was established under the Court Services
Victoria Act 2014, and commenced operations on 1 July 2014. CSV's
functions are to provide, or arrange for the provision of, the
administrative services and facilities necessary to support the
performance of the judicial, quasi-judicial and administrative functions
of the Victorian Courts and VCAT, and to enable the Judicial College of
Victoria to perform its functions.
CSV's ABN number is 63 392 984 660, this information is publicly available
on the Australian Business Register website:
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) gives you a right to obtain
access to documents of an agency in accordance with that Act . You can
find information on how to make a valid FOI application by accessing the
following link: [2]http://www.foi.vic.gov.au/home/how+to+ap...
The FOI application must clearly describe the documents you are requesting
access to and include the application fee (or evidence that you qualify to
have the application fee waived).
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on (03) 9032
Kind Regards
Court Services Victoria
Freedom of Information
PO Box 13193
Email: [3][Court Services Victoria request email]