Drugs and supplements in use at the AIS?

Craig Hunter made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

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Dear Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,

Does the Australian Institute of Sport get your approval on their sports science program and specifically their supplements and drugs use. if so which sports and can you please provide me details of the AIS drugs and supplements program, names of drugs, supplements, frequency of use? Also do any of the major sporting clubs from the AFL and NRL seek your input and approval of their sports science, supplement and drugs programs. If so who and can you please provide me details of those programs?

Yours faithfully,
Craig Hunter

Legal, Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

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Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority

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-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Hunter [mailto:[FOI #252 email]]
Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2013 10:14 AM
To: Legal
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Drugs and supplements in use at the AIS?

Dear Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,

Does the Australian Institute of Sport get your approval on their
sports science program and specifically their supplements and drugs
use. if so which sports and can you please provide me details of
the AIS drugs and supplements program, names of drugs, supplements,
frequency of use? Also do any of the major sporting clubs from the
AFL and NRL seek your input and approval of their sports science,
supplement and drugs programs. If so who and can you please provide
me details of those programs?

Yours faithfully,
Craig Hunter


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