Documents relating to implementing e-voting in Victoria
Dear Victorian Electoral Commission,
Any briefings, studies or reports into implementing e-voting in Victoria produced since 2012
If possible, please treat this as an administrative/informal request. Otherwise please proceed with my request as a formal request under the Act
Yours faithfully,
Ben Minerds (PuZZleDucK)
Dear Mr Minerds
To advance this request as a formal FOI request, could you please complete and return the attached FOI request form with your application fee of $27.90. Please be very specific in your request in terms of what information it is that you are seeking. Payment must be cash or bank cheque.
Sue Lang
Manager Communication
Dear Mr Minerds
There is some information already in the public arena which may satisfy your needs, specifically sections of our Reports to Parliament on the Conduct of the 2014 State election, the annual report from that year and the VEC's submission to the Electoral Matters Committee's Inquiry into Electronic Voting - please see relevant links below.
Sue Lang
Manager Communication
Dear Sue Lang,
Thanks for your response in this matter, the publicly available information linked above is a sufficient resource for myself
Yours sincerely,
Ben Minerds (PuZZleDucK)