Documents about request "Websites seized by the AFP from 2020 to 2024" on Right to Know
Dear Australian Federal Police,
I refer to the request on Right to Know (your references are LEX 2983 / LEX 2983).
I would like to see all documents created in response to the original FOI request and the Internal Review, including but not limited to all the files for each reference number, any communication between the AFP FOI Team and relevant line areas, and any communication between the AFP and other state, federal or international authorities.
Feel free to treat the below information within these documents as irrelevant:
- Names of AFP members, other than the Senior Executive; and
- Direct telephone numbers, middle names of AFP members, signatures and mobile telephone numbers of AFP members.
- Names and identifying information (including images) relating to members of the public including the applicant but not state, federal or international authorities.
Please consider releasing this information under administrative access, outside the FOI Act. If you are unable to process it this way, please consider it a formal FOI request.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Fairless