Disclosure log
To: The FOI (Right to Information) Officer
At: [Authority name]
Dear FOI (Right to Information) Officer,
This is not exactly a Freedom of Information/Right to Information request. I'm writing each university in the country informally about their information access. I'd be most appreciative if you would tell me, is your FOI disclosure log up-to-date? If it is not, how out-of-date is it ... how many requests behind? And when do you expect it to be brought up-to-date?
Thank you.
P. Gale (Mrs)
April 14th, 2017
Dear Mrs Gale,
Thank you for your request below.
The University of Tasmania is subject to the Right to Information Act 2009
(Tas), being a ‘public authority’ under that Act. All RTI requests the
University receives are dealt with in accordance with the Act.
There is no requirement under the RTI Act for the University to keep a
“disclosure log”.
Section 53 of the RTI Act requires the Secretary of the Department of
Justice to prepare a report each year on the administration of the Act,
dealing with the matters set out in that section. As a public authority
under the RTI Act, the University maintains appropriate records of
requests and decisions and contributes to this report each year. I
understand that the Secretary’s report is required to be tabled in
Parliament per s.53(2) of the RTI Act.
The Ombudsman is also required to provide a report to Parliament about the
operations of the RTI Act and any related matters he or she decides are
relevant, per s53(3) of the RTI Act.
I trust this information is of assistance to you.
Andrea McAuliffe
General Counsel
Legal Services | Office of the Chief Operating Officer
University of Tasmania
Private Bag 42 Hobart TAS 7001
Level 2 Corporate Services Building
T+613 6226 7559 | M +61 (0)429 107 559
(please note my new mobile number)
Please send new requests to [2][University of Tasmania request email]