Details of goods & services provided under tender contract number CN2309741
Dear Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General,
Please provide any documents (such as, but not limited to, an itemised bill of materials) relating to the supply of an Apple iPad Air Wifi listed as tender CN2309741 as visible at the Australian Tenders web site:
I believe providing this information is in the public interest and request no fee is charged for access to any documents supplied in your response.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Wakeford
Dear Mr Wakeford,
Please find attached the letter of receipt of your FOI request received by
our office 16 February 2015 by email. The Office will respond to your
request shortly.
Harriet Spring
Harriet Spring | Manager Property & Services
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General
T (02) 6283 3680 | M 0414 832 771
[1][email address] | [2]
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1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Mr Wakeford,
Please find attached the response to your FOI Request of 16 February 2015.
We hope this addresses your enquiry. Our IT Manager is happy to clarify
any points that remain unclear (details within).
Harriet Spring
Harriet Spring | Manager Property & Services
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General
T (02) 6283 3680 | M 0414 832 771
[1][email address] | [2]
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Culley Palmer left an annotation ()
I find this request interesting. I note that, while some information was provided, the Office did not actually provide any documents.

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
In my opinion, FOI shouldn't be about asking for documents, it should be about the release of information. I wonder if Paul has got the answers to his questions...
Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
So they spent $19,602.00 on iPads. Assuming they got them at retail rate, you could by 22 iPad Air 2 (WiFi, 128GB) for that price! If they were being stingy, it would be over 30 16GB versions!