Defence budget
Dear Department of Defence,
What in dollar terms is the federal defence budget
Yours faithfully,
Alan gray
Good afternoon,
The following link contains information on the Defence Budget:
- Portfolio Budget Statements which provide detailed explanations and justifications of the proposed appropriations to Defence in Appropriation Bills (Nos 1 and 2).
- Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements which outline additional funding requirements being sought by Defence and explain the variation between the Budget and Additional Estimates.
- Annual Report which is the Secretary's and Chief of the Defence Force's account to the Minister for Defence of the performance and achievements of the Department for the financial year.
Noting this information is publicly available it cannot be processed under the FOI Act, as such Defence now considers your inquiry closed.
Kind regards
Matt Ashauer
FOI Inquiries
Freedom of Information
Governance and Reform
Department of Defence
PO Box 7910 Canberra ACT 2610
(02) 6266 3685
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