Defective Vehicle (non- ADR aftermarket parts)- What is the training/knowledge of Police Road Traffic Officer?
Dear Queensland Police Service,
I would like to know what is the training of your officers to properly asses a defective car when pulled over? it seems that there is a real lack of knowledge and inconsistencies in their assessments which leads me to think that they shouldn't be able to issues fine or remove demerits points 'on the spot' but should rather issue the driver with a convocation to a service with real knowledge.
Indeed, based on my own experience, but also feedbacks from friends/family, some officers will detect a defect, others not and when you are pointing these inconsistencies (='A previous officer never noticed this or that. Why now?'), they always use the same answer ' as a citizen you should know the modification you can do or not on your car'.
My questions to you are very simple:
- as our road traffic police officers are also Australien citizen (or Permanent Resident), shouldn't they know as well by heart what can be modified or not on a vehicle? Why drivers should know and not them when it is their job?
- If they don't, and because it is part of their 'job description' to normally know that, are they able to issue fines?
- And if they do but are doing mistakes, what are the penalties or training procedures in place to raise their knowledge to the minimum requirement they should have to perform a duty that is fair and right for Australian Citizen?
I worry about the fact that their lack of knowledge can lead to situations where they let dangerous people drive with a defective car, but also fine or impound cars of honest citizens.
My 2nd question is also very simple:
Why Police officers are interested in finding drugs dealers as they are selling products that put the life of Australian Citizen in danger BUT the same Police officers are not interesting to find and arrest cars dealers that are selling products that are putting the life of Australian Citizen in dangers? Because based on the pitch of the officers, it is the reason you get fined for having non-ADR parts on your vehicle: you put the life of others in danger.
- Is it because a vehicle with 'defective' parts is not so dangerous so no money needs to be spent on solutions to avoid citizen to buy by mistakes non-legal car parts? If it is, why are we fined?
- Or maybe is it a mistake from the officers so in the case, the same question than before, what are their training and internal procedures to stop car dealers selling illegal parts?
- Or, but it is just an assumption, is it a system that our government put in place to get money from the Citizen by letting a 'black market' operates and just fine cars owners?
Indeed, if someone consumes drugs and is caught by Police, he gets fined and the Police will be very interested to know who sold this drug to them as it is illegal to sell a product or service that is forbidden by law (= the reason the person has been fined). Is it correct?
- Based on that example, why can we be fined for having defective aftermarket parts on our cars but the Police is not interested in how and where we got these parts? Today e-commerce BUT also car dealers are selling parts that are not ADR compliant and Police Officers do not care but are happy to fine drivers.
If a citizen bought something illegal, the Police should always ask for the source. Is the Police interested in stopping people to use illegal after markets parts (=the reason they do all these controls) or not? Because if they close the 'tap', they can focus on crimes , drunk drivers and other 'real issues' that need a quick and immediate response.
Yours faithfully,
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