Customer Service Charter - Pillar

Red made this Freedom of Information request to Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation did not have the information requested.

Dear Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation,

Further to my earlier FOI request, as the PSSap is now administered by Pillar Administration I believe that Schedule A provided in response to my previous request has probably been superseded by an agreement that you have in place with Pillar.

I therefore request under FOI a copy of any Service Level Agreements that the CSC has in place with Pillar.

Yours faithfully,


Secretary CSC,

Dear Red

Just a short note to let you know that your request for "a copy of any service level agreements that the CSC has in place with Pillar" has been received and that we will reply in due course.

Yours sincerely

Michael Carberry
Enquiries and Complaints Manager
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

Phone: +61 2 6263 6999
Fax: +61 2 6263 6900

GPO Box 1907, Canberra City ACT 2601

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CSC: AFSL 238069 ABN 48 882 817 243 RSE L0001397
CSS: RSE R1004649
MSBS: RSE R1000306
PSS: RSE R1004595
PSSap: RSE R1004601

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Secretary CSC,

Dear Red

There is no document that meets the terms of your request. We will now treat this request as having been finalised.

Yours sincerely

Michael Carberry
Enquiries and Complaints Manager
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

Phone: +61 2 6263 6999
Fax: +61 2 6263 6900

GPO Box 1907, Canberra City ACT 2601

show quoted sections

CSC: AFSL 238069 ABN 48 882 817 243 RSE L0001397
CSS: RSE R1004649
MSBS: RSE R1000306
PSS: RSE R1004595
PSSap: RSE R1004601

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Locutus Sum left an annotation ()

You maybe do not want to go any further with your application and maybe you are happy with the information: "There is no document that meets the terms of your request." Yet, there are interesting inadequacies of the reply from the Commonwealth Superannuation Corportation.

Your request was stated as, "A request under FOI", so the reply from the Corporation should meet the demands of the Act, but it does not. The reply should have said that the Corporation refused your request on the grounds of section 24AA of the Act ("Requests may be refused if documents cannot be found, do not exist or have not been received"). It was important for the Corporation to have said this because then it is clear that the decision is something the Act calls "access refusal decision". And you have the same rights as anyone who gets an "access refusal decision" based on other reasons.

For example, you may believe the documents exist and the Corporation did not look very hard! In any case, the Corporation should have said you can ask for internal review, "IC review", and so forth, and explain how you can request them. Note: if you want an internal review you must make your application within 30 days of the day when you are told the decision.

Dear Secretary CSC,

I find your response inadequate. As another interested person has noted, " ...there are interesting inadequacies of the reply from the Commonwealth Superannuation Corportation.

Your request was stated as, "A request under FOI", so the reply from the Corporation should meet the demands of the Act, but it does not. The reply should have said that the Corporation refused your request on the grounds of section 24AA of the Act ("Requests may be refused if documents cannot be found, do not exist or have not been received"). It was important for the Corporation to have said this because then it is clear that the decision is something the Act calls "access refusal decision". And you have the same rights as anyone who gets an "access refusal decision" based on other reasons.

For example, you may believe the documents exist and the Corporation did not look very hard! In any case, the Corporation should have said you can ask for internal review, "IC review", and so forth, and explain how you can request them. Note: if you want an internal review you must make your application within 30 days of the day when you are told the decision."

Please provide me with a proper formal response. I actually believe that such a document does exist. I find it hard to believe you would outsource the PSSap to Pillar but have no service level agreement in place with them.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation's handling of my FOI request 'Customer Service Charter - Pillar'.

Your response was inadequate and I don't believe you have undertaken a thorough search for the requested documents.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,


Secretary CSC,

1 Attachment

Dear Red


I refer to your email of 17 June wherein you requested "Please provide me
with a proper formal response. I actually believe that such a document
does exist. I find it hard to believe you would outsource the PSSap to
Pillar but have no service level agreement in place with them."


I refer also to your email of 24 June wherein you requested:


“I am writing to request an internal review of Commonwealth Superannuation
Corporation's handling of my FOI request 'Customer Service Charter -

“Your response was inadequate and I don't believe you have undertaken a
thorough search for the requested documents.”


The person authorised to make decisions in relation to your FOI request
has now made a formal decision as requested by you. You will note that the
decision is dated 21 June. The decision was in fact made on that day and
was forwarded to me for on forwarding to you. Unfortunately however, I was
on leave that day and yesterday, hence the delay. If in light of the
letter you wish to continue with your request for internal review, please
let me know and I will arrange for the review to be conducted.


As mentioned in the attachment, I would be more than happy to assist you
with any enquiries that you may have regarding the content of the


Yours sincerely



Michael Carberry

Enquiries and Complaints Manager

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)


Phone: +61 2 6263 6999

Fax: +61 2 6263 6900


GPO Box 1907, Canberra City ACT 2601



show quoted sections

CSC: AFSL 238069 ABN 48 882 817 243 RSE L0001397

CSS: RSE R1004649

MSBS: RSE R1000306

PSS: RSE R1004595

PSSap: RSE R1004601





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Dear Secretary CSC,

Thank you for your email of 25 June. On the basis of the information contained therein I wish to withdraw my request for an internal review of the original FOI decision.

Yours sincerely,


Secretary CSC,

Thankyou Red.

Yours sincerely

Michael Carberry
Enquiries and Complaints Manager
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

Phone: +61 2 6263 6999
Fax: +61 2 6263 6900

GPO Box 1907, Canberra City ACT 2601

show quoted sections

CSC: AFSL 238069 ABN 48 882 817 243 RSE L0001397
CSS: RSE R1004649
MSBS: RSE R1000306
PSS: RSE R1004595
PSSap: RSE R1004601

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