We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Karen Reynolds please sign in and let everyone know.

COVID protections and benefit-cost ratio analysis

We're waiting for Karen Reynolds to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,

I seek any documents, files, emails, notes, file notes or information which relates to the rationale for dropping of COVID protections (including masking and mask mandates, opening of international borders, etc), especially benefit-cost ratio and analysis/modeling about mortality and cohorts who may be at severe risk from COVID.

Yours faithfully,

Karen Reynolds

FOI, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

4 Attachments


Dear Karen


The documents you have requested access to are more closely related to the
functions of the Department of Health (Health) and under section 16 of the
FOI Act this request has been transferred to Health for processing.


You will receive future correspondence regarding this request from Health,
and if you have any questions you may contact them at
[1][email address].


Yours sincerely



Adviser | FOI Section[]

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

p. (02) 6271 5849

Ngunnawal Country, One National Circuit  Barton  ACT  2600  |  PO Box
6500  CANBERRA  ACT  2600
e. [2][email address]  w. [3]pmc.gov.au


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-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Reynolds <[FOI #10223 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 6 May 2023 9:46 AM
To: FOI <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - COVID protections and
benefit-cost ratio analysis


Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,


I seek any documents, files, emails, notes, file notes or information
which relates to the rationale for dropping of COVID protections
(including masking and mask mandates, opening of international borders,
etc), especially benefit-cost ratio and analysis/modeling about mortality
and cohorts who may be at severe risk from COVID.


Yours faithfully,


Karen Reynolds




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[7][FOI #10223 email]


Is [8][DPMC request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet? If so, please contact us
using this form:



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Visible links
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3. https://www.pmc.gov.au/
4. https://twitter.com/pmc_gov_au
5. https://www.linkedin.com/company/departm...
7. mailto:[FOI #10223 email]
8. mailto:[DPMC request email]
9. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/change_re...
10. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/help/offi...

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Karen Reynolds please sign in and let everyone know.