correspondence to Prof. Nugent regarding WH&S matters

The request was successful.

Dear Australian National University,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of the following documents:

Any correspondence between Professor Keith Nugent, and:
- Lachlan Clohesy
- Millan Pintos-Lopez
- Sean Smith

Which contain the words or phrases "work health and safety", "WH&S", and "probity"

Correspondence in this context includes but is not limited to any emails, letters, Microsoft Teams, etc.

Date range for the documents being requested September 2023 to December 2023.

Yours faithfully,
Sam Smith

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

Good Morning


On 25 November 2024, the Australian National University (the University)
received your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).


The University has taken your request to be as follows:


Any correspondence between Professor Keith Nugent, and:

- Lachlan Clohesy

- Millan Pintos-Lopez

- Sean Smith


Which contain the words or phrases "work health and safety", "WH&S", and


Correspondence in this context includes but is not limited to any emails,
letters, Microsoft Teams, etc.


Date range for the documents being requested September 2023 to December


Your request has been assigned the case number 202400155.


Processing Timeframe

The statutory time frame for processing your request is 30 calendar days
from the date your request was received by the University. You should
therefore expect a decision from us by 25 December 2024.


The period of 30 days may be extended if we need to consult third
parties, impose a charge or for other reasons. We will advise you in
writing if this happens.


Please note that ANU will shut down from Wednesday 25 December 2024,
re-opening on Thursday 2 January 2025.  This shut down period and staff
absences may affect the processing of FOI applications, where the
timelines are impacted we will liaise with applicants to discuss a 15AA
extension of time agreement.



Further information to assist in the processing of your request.


We would be grateful if you could please respond to the following


Personal information

Do you agree to the removal of the names, addresses and phone numbers of
any ANU officers from the documents you are seeking? This may result in
quicker processing of your request.

Do you agree to the removal of the names and identifying details of any
third parties from the documents you are seeking? In some cases this may
remove the need for consultation with third parties and result in quicker
processing of your request.

Consultation with third parties

If we need to consult with third parties regarding the documents
requested, do you consent to the disclosure of your identity?


We will contact you using the email address you provided. Please advise if
you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact. If you have
any questions regarding your request, please feel free to contact the FOI


Yours sincerely,


FOI Team

Scholarly Information Services

The Australian National University


Email: [1][ANU request email]

Web: [2]

TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12002 (Australian University) | CRICOS Provider
Code: 00120C | ABN: 52 234 063 906



Visible links
1. mailto:[ANU request email]
mailto:[ANU request email]

Hello FOI Team,
In response to your questions:
Q1) Agree to the removal of the names, addresses and phone numbers of any ANU officers from the documents you are seeking
A1) Yes, with the exception of the names of the ANU officers mentioned in the request (Sean Smith, and Keith Nugent). Addresses, phone numbers, and any other contact details can be redacted.
Q2) Agree to the removal of the names and identifying details of any
third parties from the documents you are seeking?
A2) Yes.

Thanks in advance,

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

Good morning Sam,

I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 as follows:

Any correspondence between Professor Keith Nugent, and:
- Lachlan Clohesy
- Millan Pintos-Lopez
- Sean Smith

Which contain the words or phrases "work health and safety", "WH&S", and "probity"

Correspondence in this context includes but is not limited to any emails, letters, Microsoft Teams, etc.

Date range for the documents being requested September 2023 to December 2023.

As a result of searches conducted, a number of documents have been identified as relevant to your request. On review of the documents, it has been determined that some of the documents refer to the business information of a third party. Accordingly, the University is required to consult with that third party (under section 27 of the FOI Act) before making a decision on the release of the documents.

The consultation mechanism under section 27 applies when we believe the third party concerned might reasonably wish to contend that the requested documents are exempt because the person/organisation involved might reasonably wish to make a contention that the information is exempt under s47 (trade secrets) or s47G (business information).

Accordingly, the period for processing your request has been extended by a further 30 days by operation of the legislation and this notice, in order to allow our agency time to consult with those third parties concerned.

The processing period for your request will now end on 24 January 2025.

Yours sincerely


show quoted sections

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

4 Attachments

Dear Sam,


Please find attached correspondence relating to your FOI Request


Kind regards,



FOI Team

Scholarly Information Services

The Australian National University


Email: [1][ANU request email]

Web: [2]

TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12002 (Australian University) | CRICOS Provider
Code: 00120C | ABN: 52 234 063 906




Visible links
1. mailto:[ANU request email]
mailto:[ANU request email]