Correspondence regarding the Suburban Rail Loop

Alex Pentland made this Freedom of Information request to VIC Department of Transport

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, VIC Department of Transport should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear VIC Department of Transport,

This is a Freedom of Information Request, under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).

I request access to all correspondence and records of correspondence that reference the "Suburban Rail Loop" between the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop and:
(a.) The Commonwealth Minister for Infrastructure,
(b.) Infrastructure Australia,
(c.) Bayside City Council,
(d.) Kingston City Council,
(e.) Monash City Council,
(f.) Whitehorse City Council;
Since 1 January 2020.

For the sake of clarity, this request asks for correspondence between the Minister and each of these entities, not between the entities themselves.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Pentland

Transport FOI Requests (DOT), VIC Department of Transport

Hi Alex

Thank you for email.

Before your email can be accepted as a valid FOI request, you will need to pay the application fee of $30.10 required under s17 of the FOI Act.

Payment of the fee can be made by resubmitting your request on the Victorian Government FOI online portal at which facilitates an EFT payment option (please quote the reference number CS7618 in your resubmitted request).

Alternatively, you can set out in writing any hardship grounds on which you rely in support of fee waiver, attaching any relevant evidence, such as a current healthcare or pension card.

Feel free to contact me at [email address] if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Michelle Grech
Privacy and Information Access Advisor
Privacy & Information Access
DoT Legal
Department of Transport

Currently working from home
P: (03) 7008 0798
E: [email address]

Please note my work days are Mon, Tues & Thurs.

The following conditions apply to this communication and any attachments: the Department of Transport (DOT) reserves all of its copyright; the information is intended for the addressees only and may be confidential and/or privileged - it must not be passed on by any other recipients; any expressed opinions are those of the sender and not necessarily DOT; DOT accepts no liability for any consequences arising from the recipient's use of this means of communication and/or the information contained in and/or attached to this communication. If this communication has been received in error, please contact the person who sent this communication and delete all copies.

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Dear Transport FOI Requests (DOT),

The payment has been made using the authorised link and has referenced the reference number of CS7618.

My Customer Reference Number for the payment is 53777.

I hope this is sufficient for the request to proceed.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Pentland