Correspondence between NCA and Senator Fiona Nash

Maddison Connaughton made this Freedom of Information request to National Capital Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

National Capital Authority did not have the information requested.

Maddison Connaughton

Dear National Capital Authority,

I am writing to request some correspondence related to the pill testing pilot program that was to run at Canberra's Spilt Milk festival. Specifically,

—All correspondence (including emails, written letters) sent and received between the National Capital Authority and Minister for Local Government and Territories Fiona Nash between 28 September, 2017 and 12 October, 2017 related to Spilt Milk or the pill testing pilot

—Correspondence between the NCA and the ACT Shadow Attorney-General Jeremy Hanson related to Spilt Milk or the pill testing pilot sent after 20 September, 2017

If possible please treat this as an informal/administrative request. Otherwise, please proceed with is as a formal request under the Act.

Yours faithfully,

Maddison Connaughton

FOI, National Capital Authority

Security: UNCLASSIFIED For Official Use Only

Maddison Connaughton


c/- [1][FOI #4143 email]


Dear Ms Connaughton,


Your Freedom of Information Request of 13 October 2017 – No 171820


I refer to your email of 13 October 2017 seeking access to documents under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act), relating to:


1.       All correspondence (including emails, written letters) sent and
received between the National Capital Authority and Minister for Local
Government and Territories Fiona Nash between 28 September, 2017 and 12
October, 2017 related to Spilt Milk or the pill testing pilot


2.       Correspondence between the NCA and the ACT Shadow
Attorney-General Jeremy Hanson related to Spilt Milk or the pill testing
pilot sent after 20 September, 2017


Decision Maker


I am an authorised decision-maker under section 23 of the FOI Act.


This letter sets out my decision and reasons for the decision in relation
to your application.


Summary of Decision


I find that there are no documents relevant to your request.


In accordance with section 24A(1) of the FOI Act I refuse access to
documents on the grounds that all reasonable steps have been taken to
locate documents but the documents either cannot be found or do not exist.


A copy of section 24A (1) of the FOI Act can be found [2]here and
information on your rights of review can be read [3]here. Although I note
my decision is that no documents exist, you may wish to contend that not
all the relevant documents have been identified.




The Freedom of Information (Charges) Regulations (the FOI Regulations)
prescribes the charges that can be levied in respect of a request for
access to documents. These charges are set out in the Regulations and are
for search and retrieval of documents, decision making and provision of
access (for example, copying and postage). 


I have decided not to impose charges for this request.




If you have any queries about this notice, please do not hesitate to
contact me on (02) 6272 2972 or at [4][email address]


Yours sincerely,


NCA FOI Officer

Compliance and Governance


National Capital Authority | Treasury Building, King Edward Terrace,

GPO Box 373, CANBERRA ACT 2601 | ; [5] |
Twitter: @NCA_Media


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Maddison Connaughton

Dear FOI,

Thank you so much for the response, I appreciate the quick reply.

Yours sincerely,

Maddison Connaughton