Copy of the Hansard entry of Sheriff Act 2009 and where it was enacted into law in the queens name
Dear Office of Parliamentary Counsel,
I would like a copy of the Hansard entry which confirms that Sheriff Act 2009 was brought into law in line with the requirements of the constitution and enacted in the Queens name.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Franz Weissbacher
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Dear Mr Weissbacher
The Australian Office of Parliamentary Counsel has no record of any
Federal legislation with the title "Sheriff Act 2009" and cannot provide
you with the documents you have requested.
You may be referring to legislation enacted by a State or Territory
Government. If this is the case, any FOI request would need to be
directed to the appropriate authority in that State or Territory. A brief
internet search returned a reference to a Victorian Act with that title
and if this is the Act you are referring to, the following web site might assist you with your enquiries .
Tony Perkins
Assistant Director Corporate Services
Office of Parliamentary Counsel | 39 Brisbane Ave Barton ACT 2600
| Locked Bag 30 Kingston ACT 2604
T 02 6270 1452 | M 0437 762 832 | F 02 6270 1403
W | E [email address]
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