We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Verity Pane please sign in and let everyone know.

Copy of emails sent to the Commissioners in November 2022 containing the keyword "Snapshot" (case insensitive)

Verity Pane made this Freedom of Information request to Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Verity Pane to read a recent response and update the status.

Attn Office of the Australian Information Commissioner,

I apply for copy - s 17 - of all emails received by Commissioners of the OAIC in their OAIC email accounts in November 2022 that contain the word "Snapshot" or "snapshot".

Attachments to those emails are irrelevant - s 22

Any personal information of persons not employed or hired by the Federal Government are irrelevant - s 22

Any email address, phone number, network or street address, or the last name of any person is irrelevant - s 22

Any independent legal advice that is privileged within those emails is also irrelevant - s 22

In the event a practical refusal consultation notice is issued by the OAIC in respect of this foi I record and give the response that I do not vary or withdraw my foi and given that any practical refusal consultation period concludes on the same day as the notice is issued.

Verity Pane

OAIC - Legal, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

6 Attachments

Our reference: FOIREQ22/00423

Dear Verity Pane

Freedom of Information request

I refer to your request for access to documents made under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth) (the FOI Act) and received by the Office of the
Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) on 4 December 2022.

Scope of your request

In your email you seek access to the following:

“I apply for copy - s 17 - of all emails received by Commissioners of the
OAIC in their OAIC email accounts in November 2022 that contain the word
"Snapshot" or "snapshot".


Attachments to those emails are irrelevant - s 22


Any personal information of persons not employed or hired by the Federal
Government are irrelevant - s 22


Any email address, phone number, network or street address, or the last
name of any person is irrelevant - s 22


Any independent legal advice that is privileged within those emails is
also irrelevant - s 22


In the event a practical refusal consultation notice is issued by the OAIC
in respect of this foi I record and give the response that I do not vary
or withdraw my foi and given that any practical refusal consultation
period concludes on the same day as the notice is issued.”

In order to process your request as efficiently as possible, I will
exclude duplicates and early parts of email streams that are captured in
later email streams from the scope of this request, unless you advise me

We will not identify you as the FOI applicant during and consultation
process. However, documents that are within the scope of your request that
we may need to consult third parties about may contain your personal

Consultation on scope of request

I note that your request refers to ‘Commissioners of the OAIC’. In your
previous FOI requests seeking similar information (FOIREQ22/00253 and
FOIREQ22/00357) we requested clarification from you regarding the scope of
your request, and as we did not receive a response we interpreted your
request to be only referring to Information and Privacy Commissioner
Angelene Falk and Freedom of Information Commissioner Leo Hardiman.


We have interpreted the scope in a similar manner here and would be
grateful if you can please confirm by 5 pm on Wednesday 7 December 2022.
If we do not hear from you by this time we will proceed with processing
your request on the basis that the scope of your request only includes
Information and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk and Freedom of
Information Commissioner Leo Hardiman.


Timeframes for dealing with your request

Section 15 of the FOI Act requires this office to process your request no
later than 30 days after the day we receive it. However, section 15(6) of
the FOI Act allows us a further 30 days in situations where we need to
consult with third parties about certain information, such as business
documents or documents affecting their personal privacy.

As we received your request on 4 December 2022, we must process your
request by 3 January 2023.

Disclosure Log

Documents released under the FOI Act may be published online on our
disclosure log, unless they contain personal or business information that
would be unreasonable to publish.

If you would like to discuss this matter please contact me on my contact
details set out below.

Kind regards




[1]O A I C logo   Molly Cooke | Lawyer

Legal Services

Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner

GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001  |

+61 2 9942 4296  |
[3][email address]
[7]Subscribe [8]Subscribe to
[4]Facebook | [5]LinkedIn | [6]Twitter |   icon Information


[9]Shape Description automatically generated with low confidence

Please note the OAIC will be closed from Saturday 24 December 2022 and
will reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2023.



The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 1300 488 064 during business hours (8:30am - 5pm Canberra
time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any


Visible links
1. https://www.oaic.gov.au/
2. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
5. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
6. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
8. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

OAIC - Legal, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

6 Attachments

Our reference: FOIREQ22/00423

Dear Verity Pane

I refer to your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(Cth) (FOI Act).

Your request was received by the Office of the Australian Information
Commissioner (OAIC) on 4 December 2022.

Your request includes documents which contain information concerning
international organisations. Accordingly, the OAIC has determined it is
appropriate to consult those organisations under the FOI Act before making
a decision on the release of those documents.

For this reason, the period for processing your request has been extended
by 30 days to allow time for this consultation (see ss 15(7) and 15(8) of
the FOI Act). This means that the processing period for your request will
now end on 2 February 2022.

The consultation mechanism under section 15(8) applies when the OAIC
believes it is appropriate to extend the processing period so that we can
consult the relevant organisations and authorities, and determine whether
the relevant documents are exempt documents under section 33(a)(iii) or
section 33(b) (international relations) of the FOI Act.

The FOI decision maker will consider any comments received as part of the
consultation process. However, the final decision about whether to grant
you access to the documents rests with the FOI decision maker.

We will not identify you as the FOI applicant during any consultation
process. Please note that documents that are within the scope of your
request may contain your personal information or information that may
identify you.

Kind regards




[1]O A I C logo   Molly Cooke | Lawyer

Legal Services

Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner

GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001  |

+61 2 9942 4296  |
[3][email address]
[7]Subscribe [8]Subscribe to
[4]Facebook | [5]LinkedIn | [6]Twitter |   icon Information


[9]Shape Description automatically generated with low confidence

Please note the OAIC will be closed from Saturday 24 December 2022 and
will reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2023. I will return on Wednesday 4
January 2023.


The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 1300 488 064 during business hours (8:30am - 5pm Canberra
time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any


Visible links
1. https://www.oaic.gov.au/
2. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
5. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
6. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
8. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

OAIC - Legal, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

8 Attachments

OAIC reference: FOIREQ22/00423


Dear Verity Pane


Please find attached decision, schedule and documents in relation to the
above FOI request.


Kind regards




[1]O A I C logo   Molly Cooke | Lawyer

Legal Services

Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner

GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001  |

+61 2 9942 4296  |
[3][email address]
[7]Subscribe [8]Subscribe to
[4]Facebook | [5]LinkedIn | [6]Twitter |   icon Information



The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 1300 488 064 during business hours (8:30am - 5pm Canberra
time) and delete all copies of this transmission together with any


Visible links
1. https://www.oaic.gov.au/
2. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
5. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
6. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...
8. https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlo...

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Verity Pane please sign in and let everyone know.